Chapter 35 - Tyrant at Home, Pliant in Public

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Without any precaution or foreshadowing, Tang Jin suddenly appeared just like that.

In order to accommodate the many office workers, the piano school was open late until 10 p.m. Xu Bai Chuan didn’t have any innate skills and made no progress after practicing various intermediate-level ringtone pieces for several hours. Since he couldn’t read music, he could only write numbers “1,2,3…” below the line of beautiful music notes, hence destroying the beauty of the music score. Practice really makes one feel agitated. Although the piano looked graceful and noble, it was very time-consuming to perfect playing it.

Fortunately, Xu Bai Chuan is good at making things difficult for himself. The more he doesn’t want to do something, the more he would force himself to do it. This feeling of forcing yourself is really invigorating…fine, that’s not actually true. It’s simply because he didn’t want to get used to all of his shortcomings.

He arrived at the piano school in the afternoon and competed with himself until 9:30 p.m. A gust of cold wind hit him in the face the very moment he left the school. He had wanted to stretch his taut muscles, but immediately shrunk his body instead due to the freezing winds and hastened for his neighborhood.

Once he arrived at the neighborhood entrance which was brightly lit up by dazzling lights, a voice suddenly came from the shadows. “Xu Bai Chuan.”

Alarmed, Xu Bai Chuan spotted a figure by the arched gate and after mulling over that voice, he said in astonishment, “Tang Jin?”

Walking out of the shadows, Tang Jin, wearing a black overcoat, with black hair and black pupils blended in with the darkness of the night. Even his voice sounded like it came from a distant hazy night, no wonder Xu Bai Chuan didn’t discover him.

H city wasn’t like the previous years, it wasn’t enough to just wear an overcoat to brave the cold. Who knows how long Tang Jin had stood there. Both hands were stuck in his pockets, his ears were almost blood-red and his lips slightly shuddered. Fortunately, he had a broad frame to support him, otherwise, he would have looked like a dying old dog.

Tang Jin will definitely be infuriated if he finds out that Xu Bai Chuan dared to make such an evaluation about him.

Although H city’s temperature had already reached this point, B city’s forecast can be much lower. If Tang Jin came from B city, it was even more fantastical for him to only be dressed like this. One winter, Tang Jin had to make a speech on stage as the host of an outdoor arena. After showing his face when he entered the venue, Tang Jin then entered backstage where Xu Bai Chuan held a down jacket he had prepared for him. While shaking, he said that he no longer wanted to participate in this annoying exhibition.

Xu Bai Chuan initially wanted to unzip the down jacket and let Tang Jin wear it. Unexpectedly, Tang Jin faced Xu Bai Chuan, inserted both hands into his sleeves and directly embraced him. Since Xu Bai Chuan didn’t need to go on stage, he was wearing thick clothing and there was also a down jacked wedged between them, making the hug extremely thick.

Xu Bai Chuan found this hug unbearable. With one of Tang Jin’s sleeves rolled up, Xu Bai Chuan could feel the heat pads stuck all over his skin that extended into his clothes. These were personally stuck on by him. From his neck to ankle, Tang Jin was covered by heat pads, hence Xu Bai Chuan said, “Cold? Those female stars out there are even wearing skirts.”

Tang Jin tightened his embrace and fiercely said, “Shut up. You’re not standing in my shoes.”

Tang Jin only let him go when the host cued him on stage. After arranging his suit, he had only taken a single step away before he strode back and covered Xu Bai Chuan’s head with the down jacket.

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