Chapter 6 - Farewell

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Xu Bai Chuan felt that his mood had turned unpleasant so he put down the tormenting artwork for the time being.

When Xiao Wang first received the information that Xu Bai Chuan had sent over, he was frightened to death and immediately dialed the sender. Xu Bai Chuan received a call when the last image was pending its delivery at 33%. Xu Bai Chuan thought in his heart: ‘Cut me some slack already. Even when sending an image over, there are underlying messages. One 3 is already enough, there’s no need to add another one. I see 3’s everywhere. Fine! I get it! Stop hinting at me!’
[T/N: the number 3 (三 sān) sounds like 散 (sàn) which means to ‘part ways’ ]

As soon he picked up the phone, Xiao Wang immediately shouted, “Xu Ge! Why did you send those things over to me? Are you resigning?”

See? Matters which can be easily discerned by ordinary people cannot be seen by Tang Jin at all. However, if the slightest sign of disturbance were to befall Song Yi Yu, he would be completely aware. The person he likes stands far away but lies within his heart. On the other hand, the person he hates remains within his eyes but it is as if he stood at the ends of the earth. Seems like people are truly amazing.

If one person could completely understand the thoughts of another, it might not be to the extent of love, but at least it is like. Xu Bai Chuan doesn’t believe he could meet such a person. He simply uses merry laughs or angry curses to cover up and not excessively lose face. Every person is their parents’ treasures (excluding Xu Bai Chuan), everyone has their own lives to live, nobody had set up who has to be good to whom. Not being able to obtain something is normal, being able to obtain it is luck. That is why he had always treasured it, treasured the unconscious slight care of others. He would store each act firmly in his heart, and then unperturbedly reciprocate.

Xu Bai Chuan replied, “Yes.”

Xiao Wang screamed on the other end. “You’ve got to be kidding Xu Ge. How can I manage everything after you leave? Please tell me you’re joking.”

These words amused Xu Bai Chuan. “Are you going to be a widow or orphan after I leave? Why do you cry out like a helpless person? You were fine in the past without me. What is it? Are you used to being idle? Or do you find your job unbearable?”

If the topic must be discussed, Xiao Wang is an assistant that Tang Jin personally chose. What kind of personal assistant is he? Well, from the day that Xu Bai Chuan considered himself as a personal assistant, apart from having a decrease in workload, Xiao Wang’s salary remained unchanged which clearly showcased the difference between them. Rather than speaking of assistant wages, it would be better to speak of how the Tang family undoubtedly told him that regardless of whether he’s at home or the workplace, nobody would accept him.

“Xu Ge, have you told President Tang yet?”

What could he say? Xu Bai Chuan cannot say which job he resigned from. It was either the job of being an assistant housekeeper, or the position of an informer which Tang Jin’s parents had arranged.

One position regarded him as a dog who would come and go when commanded. The other position viewed him as a stumbling block that prevented him from meeting their true love. In the past, he would willingly be disgraced. But how about now?

“I will.” Forget it. Anyway, the camel had already died ¹ and a dead hog doesn’t fear scalding water ². It doesn’t matter whether a few more straws or water is added.
[T/N: 1 Refers to ‘last straw that breaks the camel’s back’. His bottom line had already been reached.
2 He remains undaunted about spreading more lies.]

Xiao Wang thought that Xu Bai Chuan was playing with him the entire time. After all, more than ten different versions of their story had surfaced within the company when Xu Bai Chuan appeared by Tang Jin’s side six years ago. Guessing the true relationship between the two of them had become something to gossip about over tea at one time. As the topic of conversation, it was impossible for them to not catch wind of the rumors. Even so, neither of them denied any of the rumors.

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