Stop the Genocide

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Wake up and remember them.

Rest freely, Aaron Bushnell,

He died with a hope for freedom ringing on his lips.

He died speaking up for the thousands who can't.

He sacrificed himself speaking up for the thousands

Whose souls were taken too early.

He perished speaking up for the kids who had to grow up too soon.

He turned to ash for those whose lives will never be the same again.

Rest in power, Aaron Bushnell.

Rachel Corrie died protecting the truth.

She died showing the world the horrors committed.

She died in a movement, that is not over, but peace and protection will soon ring free

All throughout Palestine.

Rest in power, Rachel Corrie.

Tom Hurndall died protecting the innocent.

He died protecting a soul taken too early.

Remember his name.

Spread awareness.

Rest in power, Tom Hurndall.

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