Here's to them.

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Here's to the underdogs,

Who, it seems, will never win.

However, they undervalue you.

You will beat the greatest someday,

Even if it's just the demons that stop you 

From doing small things,

Like getting up, drinking, and eating.

Here's to the introverts,

And the quiet kids in the back,

Who have so many things to say,

But just can't say them.

No one can determine what's comfortable for you.

Only you can.

Here's to the heartbroken,

Whether a lover gone sour broke your heart,

A once-close person did,

Or the cruel and twisted happenings of our world,

Things will get better.

It may seem like a really dark place now,

And maybe for a bit longer,

But remember:

The darkest night comes right before the dawn.

Here's to the kids who were always picked last.

Who were considered to be "weird" or "odd".

Who know, secretly deep down, 

One day they're gonna rock everyone's minds, 

And change the world.

Here's to those

That need or needed to run.

To get out of where you are or once were-

A place, headspace, or relationship.

Those who know that they have a life mapped out in front of them.

And their dreams seem so far and small,

Yet one day you WILL conquer.

Here's to us.

We're taking back the day.

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