Toxic friendship

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We were friends for 5 years.

Oh, where did the time go?

The thing you should've remembered

When you broke my heart three times

And then asked why I was mad.

The first time you told me I was a horrible person 

(Well, actually you called your friend and she said that)

For being upset that you were glad that your friend was coming to our school.

That you said you hated everyone here

That you said that you had been best friends with her forever,

And she was your only true friend.

You brought me to the guidance counselor.

Made me cry and forced me to say that we were friends.

I never forgot.

The second time,

Was when you threw us all under the bus,

My few friends and I.

For telling scary stories.

And stories that included gay characters.

You were sitting next to us, but you never told us or showed that they bothered you.

We all went to the guidance counselor that day.

And our parents made our group stop being friends

While you spun your lies.

The third time

Was when you stopped speaking to me 

For 6 months.

Never called,

Never texted,

Never made any contact.

Then when I stopped being friends with you

You created this whole ring of drama

That you had sworn to never create.

So this, 

This is why I am done with you.

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