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This is not a poem:

In america, people are trying to pass KOSA, and it is gaining speed. If it is passed, all talk about LGBTQIA+ will be STOPPED in schools.

But that's not all.

It WILL shut down almost EVERY fandom space on the internet, including Archive of our own, Tumblr, Wattpad, TikTok, Twitter, and any other website that hosts fanart or fanfic. they might be shut down permanetly, or be forced to uproot.

It will also make it, so any big-tech company HAS to have your ID.

Want this to stop? Call your representative. please.

we have until february 26 to shut this down. Please.

If you live in america, or you have family in america, please urge them to tell their senators to vote "no" on KOSA.

This will be one of the only times I'm going to get political on wattpad.

There is (slight) good news about this, however. This has enough to pass through the senate, but people in the house are a lot colder towards this bill. 

If it passed through the house, I will add google docs w/ my stories.

peace out,


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