I'm Going Crazy pt.1

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My sister is crying in the other room

I feel so fucking bad for her-

She's only 10, but yet

She's experienced this much.

Her brain is this ill.

Her heart is this numb.

My mother doesn't know how to do anything for her.

"How do you think I feel?!?!?!?" she thunders.

I rise up

And speak.

"You don't know"

I say.

That's enough. 

She turns on me.

"How do you think I feel?!?!?!"

She yells again.

I am quiet.

"I have no one but you two!!!!!"

maybe you should be nicer, I think

She screams. 

I bite back tears.

"What do you think??!!!" she loses it.

I refuse to talk.



Is my peaceful protest.

My own rebellion.

She's so far away again.

Then I lose it in the bathroom.

I start crying and ranting to myself for so long I start to laugh.

This. This is the feeling I've felt all along.


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