Chapter 59 - Hello Mate

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Steve looked pale lying there against the starch white hospital. His face was sunken and dull. Someone had shot him twice before Bucky had found him. The super soldier serum and his own survival instincts had him alive but when the team brought him to the tower he fell into a coma. It had been two days since he was attacked and though he was healing at an accelerated rate Steve hadn't woken up yet. For some reason Friday believed that somehow I could.

"Hi Steve, it's time to wake up now."

I dreamed of this moment for months. Sometimes at my most intoxicated I had stumbled towards the tower but as soon as my arm began to itch and the effects of the alcohol began to wear off I got scared. I had gone to Claire's grave many times trying to summon my daughter just to have someone to talk to but it never worked. Her ties to this reality were gone, burned away in the vortex. It was like she had died all over again. She had been my tie to reality, to time, to the moment without that I was lost. The curse of an immortal time was obsolete years past in a blink of an eye. I remembered when the first television was created, when pay phones stood on street corners, when people got their news from a piece of paper or a radio. This world was so different now with apps to help people find their soulmates and medication that cured diseases that would have been a death sentence. But there lying on the bed in front of me was a reason to live, a reason to stop running and I could fucking think about was how much it would hurt to lose him. Every fucking day that passed in the hundreds of years I had walked alone I imagined what they would be like. These two people who I was destined to love and lose. For months I had sat in my apartment on my worn couch drowning in booze just to dull the pain of knowing they were out there. I imagined the way it would feel to be wrapped in their embrace to feel their warmth surrounding me driving away the demons even for a second.

My hand wouldn't stop shaking as I reached for Steve. I couldn't stop myself from gently touching his cheek. My mark burned like fire but the pain was insignificant to the feeling that rushed through the bond, the frailing string that connected us began to weave back together. I couldn't pull my hand away. I didn't want to let go. Golden energy began to light up my veins snaking down my fingertips into Steve's face.

"Steve, I know that part of you can hear me right now. I promise I am not here to hurt you. I would never hurt you but I need you to wake up now okay?" Reaching into his mind I felt for his conscious gently clearing away the fog that hung over it. "Please just open your eyes, everyone's waiting for you. Bucky and I are waiting for you. Now wake up"

Piercing blue eyes snapped open meeting mine.

"Hello mate."

*Dont Foget To Comment Love See What Yall Think* 

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