Chapter 10 - Devil Comes Knocking

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Scrub, scrub, scrub. That one little stain on the counter that just wouldn't go away.So I scrubbed it like if somehow if I could make the spot go away then all my problems would somehow be solved. I would be able to make my soulmate understand that I was cursed, that Peter's aunt May would be well, that Peter would find peace in his loss.

"Fuck!" a scream of rage and frustration split from my lips as I slammed my fist down onto the counter causing a crack to spider out as the golden glow spread through my veins aching to break free. Damn, the Nightingale was luckily empty, it was early and the others had the day off. Grabbing the closets glass and my special bottle of whiskey from under the counter. Centuries of drinking had built up a very high tolerance to alcohol so Jenna had a science friend create a liquor that my healing factor wouldnt burn through as fast giving me a little buzz.

The little bell on the door rung quietly as I dug under the bar look for my next bottle, what can I say it's been a ruff week.

Peaking over the top I spot the most unlikely of people "Stark, want a drink?"

Stark gave me one of those award winning smiles but I could see past it, hell I've known him since he was a kid. Which reminds me to give him a lecture about wearing sunglasses indoors.

"Rough day?"

I just roll my eyes pouring him a glass of bourbon. "Lets just say I'm regretting leaving the couch this morning."

Tony laughed plopping down onto the bar stool in front of me suddenly becoming very serious "I'm sorry Layla I brought bad news."

I shrug golping the rest of my drink "Figured, you have that bashful face you used to have when you did something bad."

Stark huffed, rubbing his goatee "I do not have a bashful face." That comment earned him my famous bitch face. "Layla, it's the pirate in tight leather. He put out a capture order on you, they're going to lock you up."

I signed, running my fingers through my hair "So...People are always trying to lock me up."

"Layla, THEY ARE GOING TO PUT YOU IN CAGE!" he yells finally showing the concern and worry he was hiding. "They're going to put you in a cage and I won't be able to protect you."

"Tony, Anthony!" grabbing his hand I give it a reassuring squeeze after all these years he's still that genius kid who lost his mother "I know you want to protect me but it's not the first time people have wanted to lock me up. Just make me a promise if anything happens take care of Peter."

"I promise."

The little bell went off again alerting us to a guest. I didn't look up keeping my eyes trained on Stark. "I'm sorry but we are closed."

"I see you finally got that bar just like you always wanted." I knew that voice, my free hand dropped down to the hand gun I kept strapped under the bar in case of emergency. "I'm hurt that you didn't invite me to the opening. But I'm sure you will make it up to me, we are family after all."

The man finally stepped into the light where I could see him, the long nails and sharp animal teeth were all too familiar.

I glare at him "Hello Victor"

Victor laughed cockily "You sound like you're not happy to see me. Why would that be? After all, I'm your brother. Can't we just forgive and forget?"

Pointing an aggressive finger at him "Don't you give me that after the shit you pulled in Vietnam your lucky if I don't drop your ass in a tree chopper."

Victor gives me that evil smirk "Past is catching up Layla and it's time to pay the Piper." He held up a black card with a white hand painted on to the front under Layla Jones. Fuck me!

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Immortal Bartender - Stucky x Oc Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now