Chapter 15 - I Really Overdid It

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Nervous, me nervous, never. And yet here I was standing outside the Avengers tower nervous. Sure I was scared to go in there, anything could happen but Stark could help me and Victor was true to his word as soon as the time was up he was coming for Peter. It was my safest bet coming here if anyone chose to stop me then I would have to fight them to.

I tried to confidently straighten my blood red leather jacket as I strode towards the building. After that encounter with Victor last night I had headed back to the storage unit to get another change of clothes. My hair smelled like smoke, bits of ash still clung to my skin under the shirt and jeans.

I had no gun on me, making me feel kinda naked as I walked through the large glass doors into the lobby. I always avoid this place because it is too big for my tastes but I am desperate. Two security guards stood positioned on either side of the door, both were over six feet made of pure muscle. Stark hired the best of the best, I smiled a little thinking of how easily Logan, Victor, or even I could beat them.

The receptionist studied me over the top of her computer even as her fingers continued to fly over the keys "Name?"

I smiled sweetly at her as my fingers nervously picked at the rip on my thigh "I'm Layla, I'm here to see Tony Stark."

The woman typed something into her computer before she looked back up with a completely bored expression "I'm sorry you do not have an appointment." The bitch didn't sound sorry.

Trying to keep my annoyance in check I vigorously picked at the rip keeping the fakest smile ever plastered on my face "I understand that but I lost my phone so I will need you to call Stark for me. Please." My left arm was starting to itch and I was praying to every god in existence that it was just a normal itch.

The receptionist smiled and picked up the phone dialing a number, I crossed my arms glaring down at the woman as the two security guards left their posts and walked over to us. Nothing can ever be fucking easy.

The larger of the two grabbed my arm to get my attention "I'm sorry ma'am but you are going to have to leave."

I glared dangerously at the man, I didn't like being touched especially not by strangers. I could feel my anger rising as I ripped my arm from his grasped "I'm sorry too. But I am not going anywhere until I speak to Stark."

The large one tried to grab me again but I swatted his hand away. That's when the other one tried to lounge at me in one quick move I side stepped him, my knee came into contact with his stomach and his face met my fist. He went down hard knocked the fuck out. The place escalated quickly, the receptionist tried to call back up as the big guy came at me.

He threw a punch but I grabbed it catching him off balance and twisting his arm behind his back pulling it up until he hissed in pain. I calmly glared daggers at the receptionist pulling the man's arm up until he hollered making her drop the phone "Okay now that we have all blown off some steam I am going to need you..." my eyes flickered down to the nameplate on her desk "...Lisa to call Tony Stark and tell him Layla is here or I will be forced to break his arm. It's going to be up to you how badly it's broken, okay?" Lisa nodded her head slowly as she reached for the phone. "Oh and honey, I'll know if you call anyone else."

The man under me tried to be a hero and pull out of my grasp. I just rolled my eyes in annoyance at his stupidness. Kicking the back of his knee I sent him to his knees and then broke his arm in two. Lisa screamed bloody murder as the man groaned clutching his broken arm as I towered above him "This would have all been avoided if you had just stayed still. And you..." I shot a venomous look at Lisa who screamed in terror and backed away from me "I realize you were just doing your job but woman I don't have time for that. Now get me bloody Stark!"

"Layla!" Stark's voice pulled my attention towards the elevator as he and Bruce rushed out. The doc went to attend to the injured guys as Stark warrily approached me, his hand held out in front "Hey cupcake, I am going to need you to calm down your glowing." Shit!

The veins in my hands were pulsing in a golden light that snaked up into my jacket. I could see my reflection on the shiny white floor. It didn't surprise me that Lisa had screamed, the veins around my eyes were glowing and my iris was now a fiery gold forming a truly terrifying look. I closed my eyes breathing deep as I felt it dim again when I opened my eyes I quickly rechecked my hand to make sure it was gone.

Sheepishly rubbing the back of my neck I glanced apologetically at security guards Bruce was tending too. Maybe I went a little overboard, I really hope Stark provides a good worker comp.

"Now then,..." I brushed the stray hair out of my face "You and me have to talk Stark."

Stark pointed nervously to himself but quickly dropped it when he met the glare I was giving him. Moping all the way to the elevator he hit the button for a top floor I had never visited. The doors slid shut and some soft jazz began to play as the elevator journeyed upward.

The little itch turned to a burn as we headed up. No! I'm not ready for this.

Stark gave me a knowing look as I nervously pulled on the sleeve of my jacket trying to scope the most accessible escape route but we were in a fucken elevator "They are going to love you Layla."

I honestly debated ringing his neck as the elevator doors opened and I got barreled into...

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