Chapter 42 - Death?

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Tony Stark must be dreaming because this had to be some kind of fucking nightmare. He could only watch the woman who had looked after him his whole life, the woman who had shown him true kindness sacrificing herself. Friday informed him of what Layla was doing and how the energy she was drawing into herself was going to destroy her body on a cellular level.

He still dreamt about the first time he saw her, how he had built a robot and ran to his fathers office to show him only to find his father talking to a strange gorgeous woman. The four year old had grasped the robot to his chest as Howard loomed over him. Howard had been yelling but all young Tony could see was the angelic woman. His father had become furious at his disturbance, raising his hand to strike the young child when a slender hand caught Howard's wrist. Before Tony could even blink the stranger seized Howard by his head, her veins alighting in a golden light that seemed to snake into Howards head. Anthony Stark met Layla Jones his godmother, his hero, his guardian angel.

"Layla! Nooo!" Bucky fought desperately in Visions arms howling for his unbonded mate as he felt their connection slowly crumbling away. He didn't care if it killed him, he needed her, they needed her till the end of the line. He was going to give his mates the world to prove how much he loved them every second of the day.

Clint and Sam struggled to hold Steve back as the Captain lost his mind in grief. To feel your mate dying even an unbonded one drove people to madness. The boys could feel the bond slowly crumbling away reflecting the agonizing pain that their mate experienced. They could feel her regret the unspoken words to her boys.

Suddenly it all changed Steve, Bucky and Tony watched as the machine turned into a worn bar, the cement walls became walls decorated with Led Zeppelin and Guns and Roses posters. Billy Joel's Piano Man played quietly from a speaker.

Layla Jones sat at the bar with her back to them quietly humming along to the music drinking. The three of them froze as Layla turned to them raising the bottle in her hand "Hello guys welcome to my mindscape. Drink?"

Steve inched towards her as if somehow one wrong step and she would disappear "Layla? How?"

Layla wistfully smiled "The energy I am currently absorbing gave me a massive power boost so I was able to create this world in your heads. Call it selfishness but I didn't want to go without saying goodbye."

"Don't say that, please don't say that! You can't just die, there has to be a way to stop this. " Tony cried he couldn't bear to hear her talk like that. This was Layla Jones; she survived everything the world could possibly throw at her. Some fucking space rock can't possibly be the end.

"Tony..." Layla set down her drink and pulled the young genius into her arms whispering for only him to hear "I will always be there looking out for you, you may not see me but know that I love you and I am so proud of the man that you have become. I am at peace knowing that you will be looked after and loved. Goodbye my son." When they pulled away their foreheads touching in that singular for a second everything was okay then Tony faded away returning to the waking world leaving the mates alone together.

No words were spoken, there was not enough time to say what needed to be said. Steve pulled Bucky and Layla into his chest embracing his mates. Nothing else mattered in that moment, there was nothing but them all the pain and grief melted away.


"I..." Layla could feel her body tearing apart burning away her body down to the very atom. "I can't hold this much longer..."

Steve kissed Layla's forehead as her body began to disappear

"Stay with us... We will find a way to fix this, to save you..." Bucky murmured burying his face into Layla's shoulder as Steve wrapped his large arms around them.

"Goodbye my loves..."

As Layla's body completely designated the shock wave of power swept through the compound. This blast of energy carried with it Layla's final wish as it swept through the Avengers overtaking Victor glanced back at the compound holding the unconscious Peter. One by one those affected by the energy began to forget. And like that Layla Jones became a stranger.

hehehe *Don't Forget to Drop a Comment :)*

AN/ that last bit wasnt suppose to be posted in this chapter shhhhh spoilers 😑

Remain Calm this is not the end promise Im not that cruel

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