Chapter 24 - Cold Embrace Of Death

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With a war cry I kick open the door with a little too much force causing it to tear from its hinges clattering into the fight. I let out a loud whistle over the fighting making everyone pause and stare. I must have been a sight with my hands covered in blood carrying a bloody knife. A long laugh tore from my lips as I looked at the enemy but no Victor "WHAT'S UP BITCHES!! Now I am going to make this perfectly clear." I reached into my jacket pulling out the little box with the stone "I am Layla Jones and this..." I gave the box a little shake "Is what you are after. A two for one deal. You want me and the box and I want to sleep in my own bed again so let's do this shall we?!"

About five of the combat clad guys broke from the Avengers and charged at me. Trying to overpower me with numbers. Let's do this assholes. With a growl I charged, jumping on the closest one and burying the knife into his stomach several times as I felt the life drain from him. I could tell the difference between the controlled enhanced and the psycho people who volunteered by the color arm bands they wore. Ripping the knife out of the soldier's stomach I threw it causing it to embed in the heart of another killing them instantly. That's when all of them charged. FUCK YOU!

Suddenly a shield came flying from behind them knocking several down before returning to its owner Steve mother fucking Rogers. Gotta admit that was kinda hot...

I whipped out my guns and started shooting as more guys poured in and everyone started fighting again. I quickly cleared a path to Natasha and Wanda after running out of bullets and throwing the empty guns away I used brute force to take them down.

"We are getting overrun! We can't keep this up forever!" I could barely hear Wanda shouting to me as she used her powers to toss people around the room.

"I can see that!" I shouted back, kicking a bitch in the stomach sending her flying. Giving me a second to come up with a plan "I might have an idea. It's really bad and would probably kill me but I'll be fine" I hope.

"Anything would be good." Natasha tossed me a spare knife as I used it to stab a guy.

"Buy me a second and when I say hit the floor!" I yelled pulling the little box from my jacket taking a second to steady my racing heat. Maybe this would be the one, in nearly three hundred years nothing had stuck but just maybe this would be the one.

I opened the box only to find a sketch of Claire and I inside. So that's where I left it. Moving it aside I saw the source of all this chaos, a small glowing golden stone lying in a bed made from lead. As I picked up the stone my veins lit up with the same golden light. As I held it again I could feel the power flowing through my veins scratching at that deep dark thing that I kept buried deep inside. I didn't want to become like Victor or Logan, an animal who would never stop until they were put down. Never resting or finding peace instead spending all of eternity utterly alone.

"You know, it's been a while since I last did this." I giggled a little. Natasha shot me a weird look before doing a double take. I sought out my mates through the havoc but I could only see Steve. If it was the end I just wanted to see my boys faces. I shot Steve a wink before I closed my eyes focusing inward to the power dragging it up to the surface it felt like I was about to explode.

I screamed as the power began to burn my mind, overwhelming my being itching to be released "Hit the ground!" Natasha must have had a coms in because I watched Steve and a couple others dive for cover. This was going to fucking hurt.

Gripping the stone tightly I focused my will into it making the power explode around me in a huge wave of golden energy. As everything turned black I smiled a little embracing that oh so familiar cold peacefulness of death herself. I'll see you on the other side or in about twenty minutes. 

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