Chapter 49 - Longing

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*Avengers Pov won by a landslide so here you go*

"I'm on the highway to hell" Tony hums along to the song carefully tightening the tiny screw in his arm piece before reaching out for another "Hey Cupcake can you pass me a..." the small screw dropped into his hand. Tony glances up for a second smiling when Bruce Banner enters his space dropping a screw into his hand placing a pile onto the work bench.

When he turns back to his own work Tony's smile falters then drops completely. A knot was forming in his stomach, almost like a bad case of deja vu but last time it had been expecting someone else to be standing there instead of Bruce. He quickly wrote it off as another moment of his sleep deprived brain playing a trick.

Though there have been a lot of those lately.

First it had been the late night drinking, yes he had promised Pepper he was going to cut back some but it suddenly felt empty sitting at the bar at night sipping on an expensive bourbon the liquor.

Then there was the silence, Tony hated silence he never told anyone not even Pepper. Howard loved silence so Tony never let a minute go by without being filled with classic rock and quips. In the last few months he had been hyper aware of the silence straining as if expecting to hear something that never came and only left him feeling sad and alone.

If only Tony knew he wasn't the only one suffering from a strange feeling because only a few floors above him Bucky Barnes was lounging on the common room couch sipping on a beer rifling through some pictures Steve had given him. He was still having trouble remembering their time together before the war, the therapy was helpful but there were still large gaps, especially the early days.

Then there were the dreams of a woman surrounded by golden lightning reaching out to him but every time he tried to get to her she was pulled away. Over the last few weeks Bucky had gotten close with Tony sleep often evaded the two so they would spend nights sitting in silence drinking. Neither of them spoke about what their nightmares were simply finding comfort in not being alone.

Bucky suppressed the urge to scoff at his younger self staring back at him from the black and white paper. He looked a lot different back then his hair had been shorter and neatly styled to fit the trends, a dramatic difference to his messy shoulder length hair and few day old scruff. He couldn't see himself in the innocent kid from the pictures with eyes sparkled with mischief.

"Are you okay Buck?" Steve plopped down beside him, handing off a fresh beer before gently pressing a kiss against Bucky's head.

Bucky grunted his eyes fluttering closed as he relished in the feeling of his mates warm. "I don't remember any of this."

Steve pulled away to shuffle through the pictures into a neat pile "It's going okay remember what Dr. Raynor said it'll take time for everything to come back. "

"And what about our third? How will they react to all this?"

Steve felt only despair wash through their bond "Whatever happens. Whoever they are, they are going to love you as much as I do? It's you and me Buck to the end of the line remember." The blonde grabs Bucky by his shirt pulling him in for a fierce kiss. Even after all these years Steve loved the feeling of fireworks that kissing Bucky caused. It was intoxicating, their bond burned with lust. Bucky was quick to reciprocate the affection surging forward pinning Steve against the couch to deepen their kiss.

Even now making out with his soulmate Bucky couldn't stop feeling like something was missing.

Their final piece was still out there somewhere somehow alive after all these years waiting for them. 

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