Chapter 13 - I Am Coming

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The fire flared up around us as the heavy support beams broke. We were going to die in here among the flames burned in the remnants of an old dream. As the support beam above us broke with my last bit of strength I threw Jenna and Match's limp bodies out the broken hole in the wall before the ceiling fell crushing me underneath. The pain was unbearable. I couldn't scream and couldn't call for help as I felt my body burning only to heal over only to burn again. Blood filled my mouth as I struggled to claw my way out from under the rubble but I couldn't. My legs were crushed under the weight of the beam.

Wet hot tears trickled down my face as I watched my beautiful Nightingale burn to ash around me. I could do nothing but wait for death to take me to the ending of the tourture.

I don't know what took me first. Maybe it was the smoke or the fire maybe another beam finally did the trick but when I opened my eyes the fire had burned down. I clawed through the soot trying to pull myself out from under the rubble. Standing in the wreckage that had once been my Nightingale. The fire trucks were still parked shining lights onto the still smoking remnants.

I groaned, cracking my neck as the last of the burns healed leaving no mark like they had ever existed. I really need a drink, it's been a long time since I last died from burning. I think it had been Vietnam when the enemy squad had started a fire to try and smoke me out of the undergrowth. I had been hiding in an abandoned spider hole when I died, Logan and Victor had found me the next day standing in a clearing surrounded by bodies covered in blood.

I stumbled down the darkened street, I sensed him there lurking in the shadows waiting for me.

"Vietnam wasn't it? The last time you died in the flames. I remember it well, you were amazing, a perfect killer." Victor smiled showing his sharpened canines gleaming in the pale lamp light.

With a growl I grabbed Victor by the throat throwing him against the wall "You did this! You hurt my friends! You blew up my bar! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" The golden light of my veins that old and feral urge to kill rose to the surface.

Victor just smiles not even bothering to fight back he reaches his clawed fingers out ghosting the over my face "There it is that's the Layla I know. There's the Reaper."

I punched him hard. "That's for Jenna and Match." slowly getting myself under control the light dimmed back down as Victor slowly got up wiping the blood off his lip.

"You mean those two mortals. We are like gods, Layla come on we can be a family again. You and me and Logan the three of us forever. But first..." Victor slowly pulled the black card from his pocket "They want what you stole. Bring it to me sis and we can be just like we used to."

Ever part of my being told me to listen to him. I wanted my family back more then anything but deep down I knew that could never happen. Victor growled animalistically as I stepped back away from him.

"We both know we will never be the same. I am not going to become that person not again. Never again. And if you continue to threaten the people I care about I will stop you with any means necessary."

Victor snarled, he never liked to be threatened "You would kill me over a bunch of mortals? You have made your choice little sis now here's mine. Twenty four hours Layla then I come for you. Bring me the thing you took or I will kill everyone you love starting with that mop headed child you insist on associating yourself with. What was his name again? Oh yes, Peter Parker."

My rage boiled again and I tried to hit him again but Victor saw it coming and jumped back disappearing into the night. I could still hear his voice echoing in my head. The clock was ticking there was no way I was going to let Victor anywhere near the people I care about. I guess I'm going to need some help. 

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