Chapter 45 - Mother Fucker

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Layla huffed glancing over her shoulder drunkenly trying to focus on this Elijah guy "Bub I don't even know who you are. But you have food so I am going to eat that and then I'm going to grab my gun and shoot you so talk fast sweet cheeks."

Elijah smirked, holding out the plate for her to grab. Layla snatched the food hungrily and popped a piece of crispy bacon into her mouth suppressing a moan at the savory taste. So much better than two day-old pizza. She stumbled into the living room kicking empty bottles out of the way, forging a small pathway through the mess to the couch. Elijah grimaced as Layla inhaled the food, not even bothering to chew.

"Hey asshole are you going to just stand there and stare or are you going to say something?" Layla growled pausing in the middle of eating, arching an eyebrow at him. Elijah quickly composed himself smoothing down the nonexistent wrinkles in his dress shirt. He couldn't believe how much she had changed since he last saw her. For centuries he believed her to be dead but there she sat acting as if she didn't even know him.

"You don't know who I am. Do you?"

Layla paused while inhaling her food, setting the plate on the coffee table focusing her attention to the man in front of her "Should I?"

Elijah was crushed, his oldest friend didn't remember him. At first he suspected her to be a doppelganger but her scent identified her as more than human. She was neither vampire, witch or werewolf yet somehow she had survived centuries without aging a single day. "Over a thousand years ago the witch Esther Mikealson called upon her dark magic to protect her children turning them into the first vampires. My family has stuck together always and forever for a thousand years under threat we act for better or worse."

"So you're a tall dark and fangy kinda guy. Is that why you are here, huh? Because you believe I am a threat to some thousand year old family of vampires. Bitch please what kind of threat do I pose against you? I'm only human." Layla laughed humorously at the irony of it. She had given her own life to protect her family and now here this vampire stood saying he would protect his family at all costs. It almost amused her luckily the alcohol still was affecting her system keeping her from freaking out. An original vampire was standing in her apartment acting like he knew her and he knew her fucking name!

"Layla, you misunderstand my intentions. I do not mean to cause you harm, I merely intend to bring you back to New Orleans with me so that I can protect you, something I failed to do a thousand years ago." he pleaded, trying to reason with her he could only hope that Freya could somehow help Layla regain her memories until then he would protect her like he promised.

Layla growled, stumbling to her feet okay she may still be a little bit buzzed. "Bitch, I dare you to try and lay a finger on me and see what happens."

Elijah suddenly appeared in my face "Fine, we can do this the hard way." Black veins snaked into his darkening eyes. Elijah grabbed Layla's throat, opening his mouth revealing his sharp fangs. Compulsion never worked on her in the past so he would just have to drain her.

Before Elijah's fangs could touch her neck Layla seized a handful of his hair ripping his head back forcing the vampire into a backbend. Snatching a pencil from the coffee table Layla hovered the sharp end over Elijah's eye.

"Get this through your thick ass skull! One, I am not going anywhere with you! Two, If you don't get out of my apartment I will shove this pencil into your eye. Capiche?"

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