Chapter 29 - Red & Glasses

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Logan hadn't moved in nearly an hour. I worked on his bike as he slept trying to take my mind on the thoughts swirling through my mind. What if when I gave him back his memories I shattered his mind? This wasn't exactly a tested science, I just shoved about three hundred years of torture, killing, and pain back into his mind. I had kept some of the walls up sealing off the torture that Stryker had inflicted on us. But those walls were crumbling from psychic attack, probably the work of Xavier. I had tried to repair them but it was like slapping a band aid on a leaking dam. I had created the walls to eventually crumble with time but those walls were never meant to come down.

Fuck! I threw the rag down in frustration, my hand finding Claire's locket around my neck. Everything was happening too fast, Victor was back, my soulmates were alive, and now an old enemy was slithering out of the shadows. Logan let out a groan, snapping my attention to him as he stirred slightly.

"Logan!" My head whipped towards the door so hard I think I had whiplash. I glanced nervously between the door and a still unconscious Logan as the calling came closer.

"Logan! Honey, are you in there?" I could hear a woman's voice coming closer quickly grabbing a canvas I threw it over Logan's unconscious body. Didn't need anyone seeing me standing over him and getting the wrong idea.

Suddenly the door swung open revealing a tall man standing there. He was wearing some weird sunglasses that covered his eyes and wrapped around his head with a plain shirt and jeans. I sized him up with my eyes checking over his form checking for any weapons. A woman appeared behind him peering at me over his shoulder.

Her long red hair framed her face for a split second our eyes met "Who are you?" her question hung in the air between us.

Suddenly I felt a presence trying to invade my head. My eyebrows furrowed in frustration as I fought back to keep it out of my head. "Stay. Out. Of. My. Head!" I growled finally, shoving them out. The red head flinched as I lashed out mentally at the retreating presence making a smicker tug at my lips "You're strong but I have this thing about privacy. So do yourself a favor and keep the fuck out!"

"Don't threaten her." The man snarled, reaching for his glasses as I tensed ready for a fight. Now normally if a man reached for his weird glasses I would have laughed but I was in a school for mutants so this guy probably had some superpower. Like Darkseid's omega beams! What can I say? The kid made me read DC comics with him. My favorite is definitely Captain Cold or Poison Ivy.

Red placed her hand on his chest "Calm down Scott don't start an unnecessary fight with someone." 'Scott' huffed, spluttering out some inaudible response as I tuned him out.

Red's sleeve had fallen down, some showing off her marks, a red x and a set of dog tags. Now here's the thing Logan had two mark's like I did, one was a flaming phoenix and the other was a fiery red x. Scott's soul marks matched with a phoenix and a pair of dog tags. They were Logan's mates! Fuck my life!

With a huff I cracked my neck walking stepping over to Logan's body. Red and Scott were arguing but stopped as I pulled the canvas off Logan and placed my fingers on his head. Sorry to rush you brother but I need you awake now.

"Logan! What the hell are you doing?!"

My breathing became ragged as I forced on trying to find Logan in his subconscious "Shush Red! I'm trying to help your mate."

A gasp ripped from my lips as I located Logan. The world crumbled around me and I got sucked into his mind.

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Immortal Bartender - Stucky x Oc Soulmate AUМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя