Chapter 34 - All Hail The Queen

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Bucky sat in the middle of his cage, his legs tucked under him as he scanned his surroundings. Peter sat in a cage across from him quietly whispering to a kid around his age. There were about a dozen cages forming two long rows in the room. Several armed guards stood on the walk way looking down on them.

His left arm was completely useless due to the metal band that was sending a continent stream of electricity through it. They all wore mutant suppression collars that would deliver an extreme shock whenever you got too close to the bars.

Bucky had been trying to reach out to mates but all he could feel was Steve's mothering worry which he lovingly soothed. Ever since that night on the roof he could faintly feel her emotions, mostly a calmness with a mixture of amusement that made him feel safe. But now the rage and determination pounded against his soul like a stormy sea.

"Mr. Barnes..?"

"Yeah kid." Bucky grunted quietly, glancing over at Peter. Lucky they both had enhanced hearing so their silent whispering wouldn't alert the guards.

"Miss Layla is coming for us, isn't she? She promised." Peter whispered, he was desperately clinging to that promise. Trusting that Layla would save them from this prison.

"Of course she is! Layla has always been predictable." A laugh rang off the high ceiling. The other captives scrambled to the far side of their cages whimpering at the sight of the stranger. "Her humanity makes her weak. Willing to risk everything to protect some shaggy little brat. Isn't that right Peter Parker?"

Peter crawled backward away from the man as he entered the cage, this was Victor. He was way more intimidating in person with his huge trench coat and sadistic smirk he looms over Peter. He seemed to take pleasure seeing others cower.

"You're wrong." Peter whispered, Layla had always taught Peter never to cower in the face of evil because then they win without a fight. She believed in him when no one else did she she would cower in the face of anyone so he wouldn't either. "Miss Layla's humanity makes her strong, she beat you once she will do it again."

Victor cackled crouching to Peter's level "You put so much faith in her. I can't wait to see that hope shatter!" In the blink of an eye Victor's fist connected with Peter's face causing his head to slam against the bars with a sickening crack.

"Kid! Get your fucking hands off him, you son of a bitch!" Bucky roared, throwing himself against the bars as the shock rippled through his body.

Victor looked over at Bucky, a sickly smile curling the corners of his mouth as he grabbed a fistfull Peter's hair pulling his face up. Bucky could see the blood streaming from the kids head as a bruise darkened the side of his face.

Peter whimpered as Victor dragged him from the cage by his hair. Sneering he roughly tossed the kid into the hands of some guards before walking over to Bucky's cage.

Bucky was seething when Victor got into his face, the sadistic smicker still plastered on his lips "And then there was the famous Winter Soldier. One of her beloved soulmates. Oh I would love to kill you. But unfortunately she says I can't and her words law around here"

Bucky watched helplessly as they dragged the kid away. The sudden itch from his soul mark made Bucky's heart race a mile a minute. She was here, Layla had entered the compound. 

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