Chapter 38

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It was the day I had been waiting for, nine long months of anticipation and excitement. I was finally going to give birth to my first child. Dante and I arrived at the hospital, both filled with nerves and excitement. As we checked in at the reception desk, I couldn't help but feel a sense of unease wash over me.

I tried to push the feeling aside, chalking it up to first-time mom jitters. But as I was taken to my delivery room, the feeling only intensified. The labor pains started, and I gripped onto my husband's hand, trying to stay calm. The doctor and nurses rushed in, checking my vitals and monitoring the baby's heartbeat.

As the hours went by, the pains became more intense, and I could feel myself getting weaker. The doctor's face grew more serious with each passing moment, and I knew something was wrong. Suddenly, the room was filled with urgency as the doctor announced that the baby's heart rate was dropping rapidly. I was rushed into an emergency c-section.

As I lay on the operating table, I could hear the doctor's urgent commands and the beeping of machines. My husband stood by my side, his face filled with worry and fear. And then, I heard the words that would change everything.

'Her blood pressure is dropping, and we're losing her. We need to act fast.'

My heart stopped as I processed the doctor's words. Was I going to die? Was I going to leave my husband and my baby behind? The fear and panic consumed me, and I could feel myself slipping away.

But the doctors and nurses worked quickly, and before I knew it, my baby was born. I heard her cry, and a sense of relief washed over me. But the doctor's voice brought me back to reality.

'She's not breathing. We need to resuscitate her.'

I could feel my husband's grip on my hand tighten, and I could see the fear in his eyes. The doctors worked frantically, and after what felt like an eternity, my baby was finally breathing on her own.

But then, the doctor turned to me with a grave expression.

'Mrs. Johnson, you lost a lot of blood during the delivery. We managed to stabilize you for now, but there's a chance you won't make it through the night. We'll do everything we can, but I have to be honest with you, it's a slim chance.'

Tears streamed down my face as I looked at my husband, who was now crying too. How could this be happening? After all the excitement and anticipation, was this how it was going to end?

The next few hours were a blur. I was moved to the ICU, and my husband and baby were taken to the recovery room. I could hear the doctors and nurses talking in hushed tones, and I knew it wasn't looking good for me. I yell for Dante to come in he rushes to the room, and i say ¨If i dont make it, make sure our baby-girl does i love you.¨

For the first time i can see him really crying, he always tries to hide his emotion but this time not ¨Amaya, never say that you will make it.¨ he responds kissing my forhead. The doctors walks into the room and lead dante out the room thats the last thing i see before passing out...

Dantes pov:

As I hold my precious baby girl in my arms, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of love and protectiveness towards her. She was my everything, my world, and I promised to always be there for her no matter what.

As I gently rocked her back and forth, I noticed her tiny fingers reaching out to a picture frame on the bedside table. I smiled and picked it up, knowing exactly what she wanted to see. It was a picture of her beautiful mother, the love of my life.¨You got your mothers eyes these big emerald green eyes.¨ i tell my baby girl

I showed her the picture and told her all about her mother - how she was the most amazing and loving person I had ever met, how she was strong and brave, and how much she would have adored our little girl. As I spoke, tears welled up in my eyes. But just as I was about to wipe away my tears, I heard a soft knock on the door. I looked up to see Amaya ¨Dante are you crying again.¨ i hear Amayas angelic voice say im so fucking happy that she made it. No one thought she would but she did.

¨Look who came ayla here is mommy¨ I stood up, still holding our baby girl, and walked towards her. She hesitantly stepped closer, and I could see the same love and longing in her eyes that I had for her daughter.

Before I could say anything, she reached out and gently touched our daughter's face. rolled she whispered, 'She's beautiful.'

I couldn't hold back my emotions any longer and pulled her into a tight embrace. We stood there, holding each other and our baby girl, as tears of joy and sadness mixed together.

After a few moments, she pulled away, and I could see the determination in her eyes. 'Are you ready to go we will be late lets go.' She says.

As she leaned in to kiss our baby's forehead, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and Our little family was finally complete, and I knew that together, we could do anything.

As I looked down at our baby girl, and her mother i kissed them both on their cheeks ¨i love you both till my dead.¨ i tell them and amaya kisses my lips softly.






instagram: zeyyfr1

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