Chapter 6

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Lately, my dad's been coming home late, and I can't shake the feeling that something's going on. But, you know, that's not the big deal right now. My brothers are coming back in just 2 days for my birthday-I'll finally turn 18. I haven't seen them since my last birthday, and there's this mix of excitement and nervousness. I really feel the need to make things up with my dad.

As soon as he arrives home, I make up my mind to talk with him. I decide to take a shower. Stepping inside, I feel the warmth of the water sinking into my skin, providing a comforting sensation. It feels incredibly soothing. I wash my hair with vanilla shampoo twice, ensuring it's thoroughly cleaned.

Applying conditioner is a must; without it, my hair would be uncomfortably dry, and I definitely don't want that.

After about 20 minutes, I step out of the shower and change into my silky pajamas. While letting my hair air dry, I decide to go downstairs.

I assume my dad has arrived, and I'm correct. He's here, wearing his suit. "Hey, Dad, can we maybe talk?" He nods and sits next to me on the couch.

"I'm sorry about the things I've done, and I really regret it. Can you forgive me?" I explain to him with a mix of anxiety and sincerity.

"It's okay, Amaya. I was worried about you," he says calmly, his voice carrying a tone of understanding. After that, I give him a tight hug, a silent plea for acceptance and reconciliation.

"Dad, you know, I feel like you've been hiding things. Why are Kai, Lorenzo, Aleks, and Gio away each year but come back for my birthday each year?" I ask him with a touch of curiosity and a hint of vulnerability.

"When the right time comes, you will understand. Before I go, after your birthday, Friday night, we have dinner with three important families because you're turning 18," he says to me, a mixture of solemnity and anticipation in his words. I just nod in agreement, sensing there's more to the story. I won't press further, allowing the emotions to settle. After that, he leaves the room.

I also decided to go upstairs to my room. I'm so curious about who they are and why they came to this school. I don't think much about it and fell asleep.

Next day

Under the gentle morning sunlight, Luna and I strolled side by side towards the looming school building, our laughter echoing in the crisp air. Backpacks snugly positioned, we exchanged stories.

"Guess what, Luna? my brothers are finally coming back" i say exited

Luna raised an eyebrow, her eyes widening. "No way! when?" she asks

"tomorrow i think and on friday i have a diner with 3 other familys i think its bussines" i say to her

We walk to our first period, and it's math, which means Dante and Vincenzo are here. No, why do I have such bad luck? I take my usual seat, but Luna and I aren't allowed to sit next to each other. As I'm taking my books out of my bag, someone sits next to me.

I look, and it's Dante. I roll my eyes, but suddenly, I hear a deep, attractive voice saying, "Angelo, I know it's you.

" No, there's no way. I can feel my heartbeat literally racing, and my jaw drops to the floor. "I don't know what you're talking about," I tell him, acting like I don't know anything.

"Sure, tesorina," he says arrogantly. I side-eye him because I've got no energy to argue with this boy. After 15 minutes, I feel something staring at me. I look next to me, and it's Dante staring at me. "What are you looking at?" I say, irritated. He looks at me for a good two minutes, doesn't answer, and finally looks away. Thankfully, math class is over, and we have a small break.

"Amaya, meet me at the cafeteria. I have to do something," she says. I walk through the halls where no one is. Suddenly, I feel something on my arm, pulling me away from the hallway and dragging me inside a classroom.

In the classroom, before I could scream, his hand covers my mouth. "Listen, Angelo, I'm telling you this once. Just know that the party didn't mean anything to me. Do you understand?" he asks, a sudden switch in tone.

"Babes, come on. You know I only did it because I wanted to get over Lucas, that dickhead, as fast as possible," I whisper in his ear. I look into his blue ocean eyes, but there are no emotions. I turn around and walk towards the door, but he grabs me again.

"Do you want me to fuck, that attitude out you. It seems like you need some dick don't you?" he says, and I can't believe he's for real.

"How bigger the ego, how smaller the dick you know," I shoot back, adding, "That's not what you said last time." The tension between us is getting wilder.

Now, I'm really embarrassed. His dick, is like 12 inches, yeah, big. I finally leave the classroom. I kinda liked him, but screw him, who does he think he is? I walk to the cafeteria and see Arya and Luna sitting next to each other. I join their conversation, and they both say, "Heyyy girl, what took you so long?" Damn, I'm too embarrassed to say what just happened. "Oh, nothing, don't worry," I tell them. I eat my food, and we just chat.

Chilled until our other periods, and we all went to our classes. The time passed quickly, and before I knew it, the school day was over. Luna and I, as always, walked home together. Luna dropped me off, and as I knocked on the door, one of the maids opened it. I greeted her, entered the house, and heard some noises.

"SURPRISE, PRINCESS!" My heart skipped a beat-it's my brothers. They came a day earlier. "What are y'all doing here?" I asked, a mix of shock and joy in my voice. They gathered around, giving me tight hugs, making it hard to breathe. "STOP, I can't breathe," I managed to say as they let me go.

We all sat on the couch. Laughter filled the air as we caught up.
Y'all, I know this is a short chapter, but finally, her brothers came. Which families could come to the dinner on Friday?

Instagram: zeyyfr1

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