Chapter 8

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Phone call:

Luna's voice crackled through the phone, rousing me from my morning slumber.

Luna: Hey, Amaya, wake up! We're skipping school today.

Amaya: What? Why?

Luna's hushed excitement poured through the receiver.

Luna: I've got an underground fight tonight. If I win, we're looking at a cool 20k.

my grogginess shifted to concern.

Amaya: Luna, are you serious? Skipping school for an underground fight?

Luna: Trust me, it's a golden opportunity. We'll be rolling in cash!

i sighed, weighing the risks in my mind.

Amaya: This is crazy. What if you get hurt?

Luna, undeterred, reassured me.

Luna: I've got this, Amaya. It's a sure thing. We can celebrate our winnings later. Get ready, and let's meet up.

i reluctantly agreed, resigned to the unexpected turn of events.

Amaya: Fine see you immediately 20 minutes.

Luna grinned on the other end and ended the call.

Luna and I, backpacks on, met in the early morning light. Luna led us through quiet streets to a secret fight spot. The sunlight was soft as we entered. Neon lights flickered. The place buzzed with excitement. Luna, confident, winked at me before stepping into the spotlight. The crowd cheered. Excitement filled the air. Luna, confident, gave me a reassuring look before stepping into the spotlight. People around cheered. Nervous but thrilled .

From the sidelines, I watched with bated breath as Luna faced her opponent in the makeshift ring under the dim lights. The crowd's anticipation hung in the air, and Luna's determination was palpable.

As the bell rang, Luna moved gracefully, avoiding punches and countering with precision. Her opponent fought fiercely, but Luna's agility gave her the upper hand. A powerful blow from Luna sent the other girl staggering.

"Beat that bitch luna." I whisper

The crowd erupted in cheers, and my heart raced with a mix of anxiety and excitement. Luna pressed on, delivering strategic hits that showcased her skill. In a pivotal moment, Luna executed a flawless move, knocking her opponent to the ground.

The referee's count echoed in the arena, "One, two, three!" The cheers reached a fever pitch as Luna emerged victorious. Exhausted but triumphant, she accepted the prize money-20k in cash-from the referee.

"look amaya i told you i got this now easy 20k lets leave before the police comes" she infroms me with joy

"why do you need 20k if your parents are rich as fuck you could just ask them" i ask her with confusion

"Girl, I know, but I want to make my own money. Oh, and they decided not to come on Friday but Sunday. I'm really curious because why are they coming?" Luna responded.

"Yeah, but nothing bad will happen, Luna. It's my birthday today. Let's go out tonight, yeah? And don't say no because you will come," I said to her.

"Actually, where is Arya? Should we call her? I feel like she has some dark secrets," Luna told me. She was right; Arya is so nice, but something feels off. I pulled out my phone. Luna and I dialed Arya's number, eagerly waiting for her to pick up. After a few rings, Arya finally answered, but the background noise caught us off guard.

Arya: "Hey, what's up?"

Amaya: "We're thinking of hitting Club West tonight. It's my birthday, and we want you to join us!"

Arya's response was interrupted by intimate sounds in the background, leaving Luna and me exchanging awkward glances.

Amaya, trying to ignore the obvious situation, continued: "Can you make it?"

Arya, amidst moans, managed to respond, "Yeah, I can come. See you there," before abruptly hanging up.

Luna and I burst into nervous laughter, realizing we might have interrupted a private moment.

"Did we really interrupt her moment? Ain't no way she picked up the phone while having sex," Luna said, laughing. I chuckled because that was hella funny.

Club West 🌶️

Luna and I shared giggles amidst a sea of makeup. Brushes glided, transforming us for Club West. Laughter echoed as we picked outfits, adorning ourselves in shimmer and style. Stepping outside, the city lights embraced us. Arm in arm walking through the streets.

Outside Club West, the lights flickered, casting an electric glow on Luna, Arya and me. Laughter and thumping music spilled onto the street as the bouncer ushered us inside. The pulse of the club vibrated through our bodies as we stepped into a world of swirling lights and energetic beats. Luna winked, and we navigated through the dancing crowd, reaching the heart of the celebration. The DJ pumped up the volume

"Amaya, I'm gonna get some drinks with Arya. If anything happens, meet me at the bar!" Luna yelled over the blasting music. I watched them head to the bar as I navigated the crowded dance floor. Swinging my hips, I felt the vibe, but someone's persistent gaze caught my attention. Glancing over, I saw Dante in the VIP room, staring at me. Ignoring his stares, I continued dancing. After a few minutes, I felt hands on my hips. Turning to see, it was Dante. "It's really hard for me to keep my dick inside my pants," he whispered in my ear.

He left goosebumps all over my body, feeling his size while he held my lips. "Dante, are you already this hard for me? That's crazy," I shot back, expecting silence. His fingers slipped under my thin fabric dress, finding their way into my panties, and I felt his cold hands on my wet pussy. Embarrassed, I knew I had to stop, but his touch felt good. "Already this wet for me, Angelo. That's crazy, isn't it?" he said. Blushing intensely, I pulled away and headed to the bar, where Arya and Luna were. Arya informed me that Luna was heavily drunk. We left the bar, ensuring Luna's safety. After dropping Arya at her house, I drove Luna home, securing her in bed with medicine and water for her hangover.


As I arrive home, all the lights are off, and I cautiously walk into the living room, hearing unsettling sounds. Filled with fear, I proceed cautiously, then suddenly, "Surprise!" The lights flicker on. "I was scared for a second," I admit to everyone.

"Don't be, Princess. Happy birthday! Now you're finally 18," Kai says, and they all surround me, offering hugs and congratulations. The table boasts a cake with candles, filling the room with its sweet aroma. I blow out the candles, letting go of my initial fear.

"Not mad anymore. I have to accept and move on," I think to myself.

"Here's my gift for you," Dad says, handing me a box. I open it to find car keys. "Thank you, Dad," I say, overwhelmed with happiness. I walk outside to discover a Mercedes Benz - the joy of being a woman. Hugging everyone once again, we head back inside due to the chilly night.

"Thank you all, but I'm really tired, so goodnight," I tell them.
Amaya is getting the bag fr 💰
Instagram: zeyyfr1

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