Chapter 17

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I sat in this dark, damp room, my hands and feet bound with rough rope. The Ukrainian mafia had kidnapped me, and every passing moment felt like an eternity. Exhausted, hungry, and thirsty, I yearned for a sip of water to soothe my parched throat.

Suddenly, the creaking door revealed a tall, scowling guard entering the room. Fear gripped me as he approached. "Do you want water?" he gruffly asked, and my heart skipped a beat. Desperation for water clashed with my fear, but eventually, I nodded timidly.

The guard grunted, disappearing briefly only to return with a glass of water. He held it out, a small smirk on his lips. As I reached for it, hands trembling with anticipation, he callously threw the water in my face, drenching me from head to toe.

Gasping in shock, I felt the cold water seeping into my clothes, making me shiver uncontrollably. The guard cruelly laughed at my reaction before exiting, leaving the door to slam shut behind him.

Sitting there, soaked and defeated, anger and frustration raced through me. I was tired of being treated like an animal by these mafia bitches.

My heart pounded as I desperately searched for a way to escape the clutches of these ruthless criminals. Held captive for what felt like an eternity, I clung to the hope of reuniting with my family. Days of studying my surroundings led me to a small window, a glimmer of opportunity.

With newfound determination, I plotted my escape, waiting for the guards to switch shifts every six hours. As midnight struck, I approached the window, using a chair to reach it. The creaking sound made my heart skip a beat, but I pressed on. Just as I was about to climb out, footsteps approached, and in panic, I leaped outside.

A strong arm pulled me back in - caught in the act. The kidnappers overpowered me, dragging me back to the room. Thrown onto the ground, I winced in pain but refused to reveal weakness. The leader sneered, 'Thought you could escape, huh? Not so fast, little girl.'

Despite my failed attempt, I kept fighting, enduring tougher days under close scrutiny. I begged for mercy, but they showed none. Finally, seizing a moment, I broke free from my handcuffs, running for my life. But it was a trap - stumbling into a net in the hallway, caught by the mafia

Defeated and broken, I had risked everything for freedom, only to end up back in captivity. Yet, I refused to give up, knowing I had to keep fighting until the day I could break free and return to my family.

Sitting on this cold, dirty floor again, tears stream down my face. A day back, I thought I'd escape the nightmare of being kidnapped for no reason. But here I am, back in this abandoned warehouse, wondering why this is happening all over again. What do these kidnappers want from me?

In between sobs, I manage to choke out the question that haunts my mind. "Why are you doing this to me?" I cry. The leader, a tall and menacing figure, steps forward with a smirk. "Because your family killed my father," he sneers. My heart drops at his accusation. It's unbelievable - my family would never do such a thing.

Through my tears, I muster the courage to defend my family. "I didn't do anything," I sob. "I don't know what you're talking about." The leader just laughs, not believing my words. "That's what they all say," he spits. "But i saw how my father died. And now, it's time for you to pay for your family's sins."

My heart races as I try to make sense of this situation. I can't believe I'm held captive and threatened over something my family supposedly did. I feel helpless and scared, unsure of what awaits me.

Despite my fear, I remain strong. I won't let them see me completely break down. I know I have to stay resilient, find a way to escape for my sake and my family's reputation. I pray that someone comes to my rescue soon, putting an end to this nightmare once and for all.
I know this chapter is short and might seem boring, but what are your thoughts?

Instagram: zeyyfr1

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