Chapter 35

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I had just gotten home at night. It was around 2 a.m. when I got home.

I quietly walk through the door, closing it behind me. Then I slowly walk through the living room, past the kitchen.

I tried to slowly head to my room when I heard a voice. It was my dad. He was sitting in the kitchen, reading a paper, and drinking some alcohol.

"Why are you home late?"

He asked while flipping through the other side of the paper. Shit, I have been hanging out with Dante lately. I can't say what I was doing; he will literally kill me if I say yes, I was fucking with him.

"Uh, I didn't notice that it was this late, sorry, dad." I tell him a fast lie.

He sighs loudly and closes his newspaper. He then rubs his eyes and looks back at me.

"Yeah. Right. No one ever notices it's 2 in the morning when they go home. Now, where were you, really?"

He asks sternly. He doesn't believe me for a second.

The two of us argue back and forth for a few more minutes before my dad eventually asks

"Alright then, smartass."Let me see your phone. I want to see the texts you sent to your friends tonight."

Shit, no, this man is going to be the end of me. "What text are you talking about?" I'm acting all dumb now.

As he puts his hand out, waiting for me to give my phone to him, he raises his voice even louder. The anger in his voice is undeniable.

"Don't make me repeat myself again. Give me your goddammit phone."

What type of alcohol is he on? Like, damn chill. I didn't do anything. Why is he acting all though if he got my mom pregnant at 17? I dont even want to hear him talk at this point. "Okey, yeez, wait, dad, can we talk? I have something to tell you," I say annoyed.

He rolls his eyes. "And what is it? Better not be some bullshit excuse for being out drinking."

He says it, his voice still loud. His arms are crossed.

"I think it's time to tell you I have been seeing someone," I say to him with a smile. If he will now shoot me, I dont blame him.

His eyes widen with shock as he slowly uncrosses his arms. He then takes a step forward.

"Hold on. Say that again. You have been seeing...someone?" He looks at me curiously. I just nod and don't say anything else.

Now, he seems shocked for a completely different reason. A smile crosses his face as his eyebrows slightly lift.

"Wait, you have been seeing a boyfriend? I thought for a second you were lesbian or something," he says. Is he serious, bro? How could he even think that?

"Wasn't it obvious? "Dad, why the fuck would you think I'm a lesbian anyway?" I say rolling my eyes.

He laughs and nods. "Well, yes. I guess it was." He looks happy for me. "So, who is he? What's his name?"

Oh sh*t, I'm tired of hiding it. I'm going to tell him who he really is. I think he won't even get mad. "It's Dante, the son of Don Matteo Romano."

His mouth opens slightly, revealing his teeth as he smiles. "Wait...really? You've been seeing Dante? Are you both official and everything?"

"Yes, why are you so surprised?" I say, chuckling. I lowkey know that I'm blushing right now. Every time I think about him, I just blush.

He lets out a small chuckle and nods. "I'm just surprised that you found someone already. Dante is a great guy. I'm glad you two are dating."

"Thank you, dad, but don't tell anyone," I ask

He smiles and chuckles, letting out another small laugh. He looks at me, noticing how happy I seem. He probably just thinks about what I just said. Maybe letting me stay out until 2 in the morning wasn't that bad.

"No problem, honey."

He then takes a step forward, leaning forward so his face is just in reach of my cheek, and gives me a small kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, goodnight, now I'm tired, bye, dad."

He nods happily. "Goodnight, honey. Don't stay up too late. Get some sleep."
Instagram: zeyyfr1

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