Chapter 15

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its a new day that means new drama i didn't saw luna for a day and it feels like ages i hope she will come to school today because i have to tell the tea about last night and i hope she has been good

i walk to the living room and seeing no one there its probably to early school will start in 2 hours i dont know why im awake

My dad walked into the living room, his face serious. "Hey, Amaya," he started, "I won't be home tonight. Your brothers and I have a mission to take care of."

I looked up from my book, a knot forming in my stomach. "A mission? Is everything okay, Dad?"

He sighed, his eyes distant. "It's something we can handle, but it might take us the whole day. I just wanted to let you know so you wouldn't worry."

I nodded, a mix of understanding and concern clouding my thoughts. "Be careful, Dad. And the others too."

"I will, sweetheart. We've got each other's backs," he reassured me, placing a gentle hand on my shoulder. "If you need anything, your aunt is just a call away. And remember, it's just for tonight."

I managed a small smile, appreciating his effort to ease my worries. "Okay, Dad. Stay safe out there."

He gave me a reassuring smile before heading out.

Luna pulled up in her black car she is riding us to school today as always

"heyy ready for school" luna exclaimed

i chuckled and responded "i guess like always"

i feel like i have to tell her what happened she is my bestfriend and i feel so nervous "amaya are you okay do you have something to tell me or some?" she asks me she knows something is off before i could say no i just said what happend last night "i fucked dante" the words just slipped my mouth luna stops the car and i almso crash my head "you did what" she looks at me with a smile oh nah "he is so fine" i tell her "ooh homegirl is blushing but arya better wont find out she will legit be mad" she says she is right its wrong to fuck your friends brother but isnt he the wrong here fucking his sisters friend.. "you sure you dont like him" she says teasing me "maybe i do" i respond she knows me too well and its getting scary we finally arrive at school we walk inside the school and everyone is just gossiping talking and laughing we walk to our first class it means we have it with dante i hope something good will happen today

The classroom was kinda boring until Mr. Anderson walked in with a big smile. He said, "Hey, everyone! Get ready for some good news. We're going on a snowski trip!"

The whole class went wild, cheering and clapping. I couldn't believe it - a snowski trip sounded good i will only go if luna will go.

"Pack your warmest clothes because we're going to a cold Resort for three whole days. There will be skiing lessons, snowball fights, and cozy nights by the fireplace," Mr. Anderson announced. I could already picture it.

"Make sure to bring your ski stuff and get ready for tons of fun," he said, and the class exploded with excitement.

It's finally break time, and Luna and I walk to the cafeteria. It's busier than usual, but we find our usual seats.

"So, are you going to the party?" Luna asks me.

"I will only go if you will," I say, hoping she'll come because if she doesn't, I'll probably drag her with me.

"Okay, fine, I will go. But if we don't, Stella will definitely try to do some stuff with Dante. Just so you know," Luna says, making me wonder why I feel jealous when I'm not supposed to care.

"Let her, let her. I'm sick of her talking about him in every class," I respond with a sigh.

"No, this is your chance. She always gets whatever she wants, but this time, not. Show her you will get him, and I will make sure of it," Luna says, trying to cheer me on, but I just sigh.

"So, what happened with you and your fiancé?" I ask, checking up on her. Her smile immediately drops.

"I don't know. He's so toxic, but sometimes he can be nice. Look, he isn't even ugly or anything, but the age gap makes me uncomfortable. He's 23, and I'm 18. It feels illegal," she says. I feel bad for her, wishing I could help, but there isn't much to do.

"I'm sorry, but if he does anything bad to you, I will kill him. Maybe you should get to know him so you really know who you will marry," I inform her, offering some advice because you never know.

The break ends, and we go to all our classes, but I remember no one is home. I hope they will arrive safely.

"Luna, do you want to come over? No one is home," I tell her. Luna nods, and we hop into her car, arriving at my house. Luna walks to the kitchen and gets us some snacks. She jumps on the sofa and asks me, "Are you going to the party tonight?" Why is this girl at every party?

"Girl, no. We have to pack our stuff because we are leaving tomorrow. Shit, my father probably doesn't know that I'm leaving tomorrow. Luna, can you help me pack for tomorrow?" I ask her.

We make our way to my room, and Luna assesses the task at hand. "Where do we begin?"

I point towards my closet and drawers, "Start with grabbing warm clothes. It's gonna be freezing up there."

Luna nods and begins selecting sweaters, jackets, and cozy accessories. As Luna continues her fashion-forward selections, I gather the essentials - ski gear, boots, and thermal socks.

"So, spill the tea. Anyone special you're hoping to impress on this trip?" Luna winks, a mischievous grin playing on her face.

I roll my eyes, "No tea to spill. It's just a school trip, Luna."

She chuckles, "Alright, alright. But you never know, mountain romance might be in the cards."

As we zip up the final suitcase, the room is a testament to our packing prowess. Luna looks around, satisfied, "We make a great packing team, Amaya."

While Luna and I are getting ready for the ski trip, her phone buzzes on the table. She looks worried when she sees who's calling.

"It's him again," Luna says, her voice not too happy.

She reluctantly answers, and I can see she's not having a good conversation. Luna's responses are short, and the room feels tense.

After a few minutes, Luna hangs up, looking tired. "I have to go. He's making me come home," she tells me, sounding like she doesn't want to.

"Should I come with you?" I ask, wanting to help.

She shakes her head, "No, it's better if you stay here. I'll handle it."

As Luna gets ready to leave, I touch her shoulder, trying to be comforting. "If you need anything, just call. We'll hit the slopes when you're back."

She gives a small smile and goes out the door, leaving a kind of sad feeling in the room. I hope things get better for Luna when she faces the tough stuff at home.

In the dark room, my heart raced as the door opened. My brothers and dad came in, all messy from finishing a tough mission. I felt both relieved and worried.

"What happened?" I asked quietly. Dad, looking tired but strong, said, "It was hard, but we did it."

Taking a deep breath, I shared my news, "I'm going on a school ski trip for three days. I know it might not be the best time, but I promise to be careful. Please, don't worry too much. I'll stay safe," I assured them, hoping my words could make the night feel less heavy.

The room got quiet as my family processed the unexpected news. Their tired eyes looked at me, understanding and a bit worried. I could feel the responsibility, for my safety and to ease their minds.

"I know tonight was tough, and I appreciate everything you do," I continued, my voice getting more reassuring. "But this trip is important for me, and I promise to stay in touch. We'll catch up once I'm back."

Dad nodded, his face showing the stories of tough times. "We understand, sweetheart. Your safety comes first, so be careful. We'll be here when you come back."

Chapter 15: Yeah, they're going on a school trip. Will Amaya really stay safe?

Instagram: zeyyfr1

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