Chapter 9

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It's Friday, and that means the dinner is tonight. As the morning sun spills through my window, I groggily wake up to a new day. Luna and I, backpacks in tow, head to school, surrounded by the chatter of students as we stroll through the halls.

Suddenly, I see Luca coming our way. "Don't say he's coming to me," I tell Luna, tired of him. "Hey, Amaya, can we talk privately? Just give me 5 minutes," he asks. I look at Luna before saying, "Yes, just 5 minutes. Speak up now," as I stand at my locker.

"I'm sorry; I didn't want to fuck with her. While I was with her, I was only thinking about you. Just please give me a chance," he explains. I look at him and give a clap so hard that I see my handprints on his face. "No, now move out of my way," I say, and he's red and angry. "Fucking whore; I never loved you anyway. I only liked your body," he spews, but I don't respond, just ignoring him and walking into my science class where I see Arya and Luna.

I say nothing and sit next to them. As I take my notes out, Arya suggests, "Can y'all come maybe next week Friday over for the project? I don't have time today, so sorry." Luna and I agree. After class, we decide to go to the cafeteria. As we sit, Arya asks, "Can my friend sit with us?" Luna agrees, and I do too. Arya waves to her friend, and we see a girl our age with long black straight hair and brown eyes. She says hi, hugs us, and explains, "I never saw you at school." I ask her where she's from, and she says, "Oh, I'm from France." I feel like I've seen her before, but I don't think much of it; she was probably homeschooled. The day passes, Luna and I grab a quick bite, and I go home to get ready for the dinner. As I enter the house, Gio rushes toward me, saying, "You've got two hours to get ready. Be fast." I go upstairs to my room.

Stepping into the shower, I felt the warm water envelop me, a welcome respite from the day's chaos. Closing my eyes, I let the soothing droplets cascade over my body. The scent of lavender shampoo filled the air as I lathered it into my hair, fingers massaging away the tension. The body wash followed, its refreshing fragrance awakening my senses. With each gentle stroke, I washed away the day's residue, feeling the water carry away the weight on my shoulders.

Stepping out of the shower, the bathroom air clung with a hint of lavender. Water droplets adorned my skin as I wrapped myself in a plush towel. Moving towards my closet, my eyes scanned the array of dresses. Amidst them, a black dress caught my attention

 Amidst them, a black dress caught my attention

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Entire outfit^

Seated before the vanity, I surveyed the array of makeup, contemplating the look for the day. The soft hum of a playlist filled the air as I began to do my makeup. With a makeup brush in hand, I started with a light foundation, creating a flawless canvas. The eyeshadow palette offered a spectrum of hues, and I chose a subtle blend to accentuate my eyes. A precise line of eyeliner added a touch of definition. Mascara enhanced my lashes, framing the gaze.

Moving to the cheeks, a gentle blush brought a rosy warmth, and a highlighter imparted a subtle glow. Finally, I chose a lipstick - a deep, elegant shade that complemented the black dress. As the finishing touches fell into place, I met my reflection in the mirror and i looked good as fuck.

Walking downstairs, I spot Kai, Lorenzo, Aleks, and Gio with my dad. Gio pipes up, "Who's this random woman in our house?" Laughter erupts, but I maintain a straight face, shooting him a dead stare. "Just joking, you look good," he adds, and everyone agrees. We head to the car, and the 30-minute ride is awkward. I gaze out the window, missing my mother. Playing with my hands, a nervous habit, I notice the car stops. Looking out, I see a grand mansion, more like a castle. "We arrived." Before I can open the car door, a security guard beats me to it. I thank him and hold onto Kai's arm, struggling with heels.

We approach the main door of the house, where one of the family members greets us. "Long time no see, Ivano," the bald man says to my father. Next to him stands a beautiful woman, presumably his wife. She walks over to me and remarks, "Just like your mom, such a beautiful young lady." I hug her and say thank you. They lead us to the dining room, where the other two families are already seated. We are on time, now waiting for the fourth family. I sit next to Kai, feeling anxious for some reason. Everyone's gaze is fixed on me as if they've seen a ghost.

"Welcome. Before we eat, we must wait for the fourth family. They could arrive any moment," says one of the hosts. As we chat, footsteps approach. I look up and see a beautiful, elegant woman and a handsome man, presumably her husband. Behind them is a small boy, around 4 years old. As I observe, I spot Dante - seriously, what on earth? This guy is everywhere, making me crazy. Why does he have to be here? And behind him is Arya. No way, please don't tell me they're siblings. After two minutes, Arya spots me, looking at me like she's seen a ghost. I can't say anything but give her a small smile.

In the opulent dining room, the bald man, whom I've learned is Don Vittorio, signals for attention, and the room falls into a respectful hush. "I want to thank you all for coming here today. It's a special day for some of us, and I want to express gratitude for the loya-" Gunshots interrupt his speech abruptly.

"Dons of all four mafia, take someone with you and make sure everyone is safe. Go now!" the bald man yells. Before I can react, Dante grabs my arm, pulling me out of the room. More gunshots echo through the mansion as Dante swiftly guides me to a safe room through hidden hallways.

In the safe room, the tension peaks as we hear someone trying hard to break in. The door bursts open, and before the attacker can shoot, Dante takes his gun and fires two shots into his head. I look at him wide-eyed, tears streaming down my face. "Don't cry, Angelo. It's all over," he says, comforting me in the aftermath of the chaos.

Dantes pov:

Without a moment's hesitation, I draw her into my arms, her form nestled against my chest. "I thought we would... I thought we would die," she stammers between sobs, her vulnerability tugging at my insides. The weight of her fear rests on my shoulders.

"Nothing will happen while I'm here," I assure her, my voice softening. Holding her close feels strangely comforting, a sensation I rarely allow myself to indulge. Her tears stain my shirt, marking the aftermath of the chaos that engulfed us moments ago.

In the dim light, I tighten my embrace, almost afraid to let her go. There's an unfamiliar warmth, a connection I can't deny. In her fragility, I discover a softer side of myself.

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