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When Maggie enters the dining room, George descends on her, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her off of the ground

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When Maggie enters the dining room, George descends on her, wrapping his arms around her and lifting her off of the ground. The witch laughs as he spins around before putting her on her feet.

"George, you're going to make her dizzy!"

"It's okay, Molly," Maggie grins.

"Fred, that watch it's lovely," Arthur says, looking at the item on his son's wrist.

"Not as lovely as the witch who gifted it to me," Fred grins, winking at Maggie.

"You've got yourself a keeper dear," Circe murmurs in Maggie's ear and the girl grins, accepting her grandmother's greeting kiss on the cheek.

Gifts are handed to each other with exclamations of gratitude filling the air. Circe hands Maggie a box, chewing her lip nervously as Maggie begins to open the box. In the box was a large scrapbook, filled with pictures of Maggie from her childhood. There were pictures of Maggie in the arms of Marlene, Remus, Sirius and even Harry's parents.

The witch turns the page to see the images of her and Circe had been modified so the woman in the picture was her real grandmother, not Celia.

"I love it," Maggie beams at her grandmother whose body relaxes at her words.

"I'm glad you do, my dear," Circe replies, a genuine smile forming on her face. "Now, dinner is served"

"A Weasley-Goddess combo!" Mrs Weasley exclaims.

The plates begin to float onto the table with an enchanted gravy train travelling around the table on tracks. Maggie watches as everyone begins to pile their plates up and she bites her lip nervously before picking a few pieces off of the plates served.

A hand squeezes hers under the table and Maggie looks at her grandmother who gives her a smile.

"Eat what you can dear," Circe whispers and Maggie smiles at her.

Once the food has been finished with, everyone begins chatting with about four different conversations going on.

"Maggie dear," Circe extends an arm and Maggie grins, accepting the hug. "Cigarette?"

"Oh please," Maggie grins, accepting the cigarette offered as Circe allows the girl to sit on her lap.

"I was an angel," Sirius says to whatever Molly had said.

"Now that right there is a lie," Circe laughs. "Marlene told me every little prank you pulled young man"

"Oh, not you too," Sirius protests.

Meanwhile, Fred and George are engaged in an animated but hushed conversation with Draco and Hermione about their latest product ideas for Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes. The room is filled with the energy of discussions, laughter, and the clinking of glasses.

As the night progresses, Maggie finds herself in the midst of a lively discussion with Remus and Arthur about magical creatures. Circe, having joined the conversation, shares anecdotes from her experiences with magical creatures during her long life.

Eventually, everyone drifts off to bed and Maggie remains on the sofa, stroking Lucifer, looking through the pages of the scrapbook Circe had made for her.

A clatter from the kitchen causes her to put the book down before gently lifting Lucifer off of her lap. The witch walks into the kitchen and the sight before her makes her eyes widen. Sitting at the table with an empty bottle of firewhisky and a half-empty one is Molly Weasley.

Maggie's eyes move to the smashed glass on the floor which must have been the noise she heard. Without hesitation, she flicks her wand, clearing up the mess in a matter of seconds.

The witch opens one of the cupboards and she sighs before opening the backdoor, making her way towards the bins. The witch opens the bin furthest from the door and she closes her eyes.

"Oh no," Maggie breathes out.

"Don't tell anyone," A slurred voice causes Maggie to turn.

Maggie's heart begins to race as she catches sight of Mrs Weasley's wand, which is now pointed directly at her. The older woman, who is already unsteady on her feet, seems to be struggling to maintain her balance which means her magic would be unpredictable if used.

"Mrs Weasley, you should really go to b-"

"No!" Molly snaps. "You tell no one or I'll curse you!"

"You should really lie down-"

"You tell no one-"

"We should get you some-"

Molly stumbles forward, raising her wand and the next few seconds were a blur. A slap registers on Maggie's face and the witch reacts on instinct. With a sharp cry, Maggie thrusts her fist forward, hitting Molly square in the face. Molly stumbles backwards, her eyes shut tight as she collapses onto the soft grass.

"Oh shit,"



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