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Grimmauld Place was quiet but tense, with an unspoken anxiety palpable in the air

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Grimmauld Place was quiet but tense, with an unspoken anxiety palpable in the air. The residents, all preoccupied with Harry's impending trial, were lost in their own thoughts and worries. Earlier that morning, Harry had left in the company of Arthur Weasley, before anyone had even woken up.

Sirius was sitting at the ornate wooden table in the dining room, his fingers drumming impatiently on the smooth surface. He had been generously pouring amounts of vodka into glasses for himself, Remus, and the twins. Maggie was nursing a glass of wine, Sirius having generously provided her with multiple bottles.

Molly was in the kitchen, her brow furrowed with worry as she stress-bakes an ever-growing pile of cakes. Hermione is sitting at the table with her nose buried in a thick book, poring over legal proceedings in the Wizarding World with a look of intense concentration on her face.

"Its eleven a.m.," Ron says, looking at the bottles of booze on the table.

"It's five o'clock somewhere," Sirius shrugs.

"Maybe you should all slow down," Mrs Weasley suggests.

"Maybe you should stop baking," Sirius retorts.

"I've made Harry two cakes," Molly says.

"I'm sorry you got expelled or congratulations on winning your case?" Ginny glances at her mother.

Maggie lets out a loud snort as the twins collapse into a fit of uncontrollable giggles. Molly, with a sheepish grin on her face, begins to carefully pack the cakes into boxes, while the rest of the adult occupants, who are of legal drinking age, continue to enjoy their drinks as they all giggle.

Fred raises his glass in a mock toast. "To Harry, the bloke who can make us all simultaneously proud and terrified,"

"Cheers to that," George adds, clinking his glass against Fred's.

Maggie joins in, the corners of her lips curling into a smirk. "And to the brilliant strategy of stress-baking. A cake for every potential emotional state."

Sirius, despite his earlier brusqueness, chuckles at the banter. "You all might just keep me sane through this madness."

"Or drive us all mad together," Remus adds with a wry smile.

"I suppose we'll find out as the day goes on," Maggie grins.

"Anyone else feeling a bit drunk?" Sirius whispers and he receives four nods of agreement. "Good"

"I don't know if we'll be able to deal with Harry's sadness if he's been expelled," Maggie says.

"We might have to make ourselves scarce," Remus nods in agreement.

"I might laugh," Fred says. "I don't do well in serious situations"

As the front door creaks open and then slams close, the five drinkers freeze in their spots, their eyes widening with anticipation. Harry steps into the dimly lit dining room, his face grave and serious.

Without hesitation, Sirius snatches the bottle of vodka as they all begin to make a beeline towards the back door. They all know that they could erupt into drunken laughter, and they are willing to do whatever it takes to escape unscathed.

"I got off!" Harry exclaims.

Sirius, holding the bottle of vodka, raises an eyebrow. "Do we need another round to properly celebrate?"

"Absolutely," Maggie says, reaching for a glass. "To Harry and his unbeatable talent for avoiding expulsion! Even when doing things that would get anyone else expelled!"

"To favouritism!" Fred cheers and Harry shakes his head with a laugh.

"To being an invulnerable scrawny, speccy git!" George cheers.

"You're all arseholes," Harry rolls his eyes.

"Oh, Harry dear I made you a cake!" Molly places the box on the table and Harry opens the lid.

"I'm sorry got expelled?" Harry asks looking at the woman who flushes a deep red.

The five drinkers look at each other before erupting into alcohol-induced laughter. Fred is laughing so hard that tears stream down his face, while George clutches his stomach. Maggie, unable to contain her amusement, buries her face in her hands as her whole body shakes with laughter.

"How much did you lot drink?" Harry asks.

"Look at the empty bottles Harry," Hermione says. "They're all drunk"

"We are not drunk," Fred says indignantly.

"Right," Hermione rolls her eyes fondly.

Maggie idly fidgets with the delicate chain of her necklace as Harry recounts the events of his trial to the group. However, her attention is suddenly piqued and she sits up straight when Harry mentions an unattractive woman wearing a garish pink hat.

"You're lucky you escaped Delores Umbridge with your sanity intact," Maggie says. "She's not just unattractive; she's a venomous toad disguised as a witch. And that pink hat of hers is the least of her offences."

"What do you mean?"

"She's the woman who drafted the anti-werewolf legislation," Remus says. "Making it harder for us to find jobs as it requires us to tell potential employers, by law, of our nature"

"Why would she do that?"

"Because she's a bitch," Maggie murmurs.

"Well at least we won't see her again," Harry says.

"Here's to hoping,"

"Here's to hoping,"

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