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"Hey, where did you go?" Fred asks when Maggie enters his dorm

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"Hey, where did you go?" Fred asks when Maggie enters his dorm.

"I was talking to Myrtle,"

"She spoke to you without wailing?"

"She's very wise and sweet," Maggie says. "Poor girl, her story just breaks my heart"


Fred pulls out a small box which Maggie opens to reveal a large wedge of the cheesecake from the Christmas feast. The blonde smiles weakly, placing on Fred's nightstand.

"I'll eat it later,"

"It was him wasn't it?" Fred asks. "Your grandfather?"

"Even though he can't touch me I'm still scared. It doesn't make sense but-"

"It makes perfect sense," Fred says, letting out a sigh. "My mum used to drink. A lot. If she wasn't drinking, it meant she was sleeping. It started after Ginny was born, she fell into this depression. She'd spend whatever money we had left after buying necessities to buy bottles. Sometimes we'd have to have a meal a day because of how much she spent on drink. Sometimes, Bill and Charlie would go hungry so us younger ones had more to eat"

"When did she stop?" Maggie asks.

"On George and I's eleventh birthday," Fred says. "I knocked over this vase and she threw a bottle at my head. It knocked me out cold and caused this scar on my nose. I remember waking up to her sobbing, pouring her drinks down the drain as she cursed and cried. Sometimes I notice her eyeing up a bottle and fear floods my veins. I may be bigger and stronger than she is but her temper when she drinks-"

"Merlin," Maggie whispers.

Fred takes a deep breath before continuing. "She stopped after that day. Got help, and joined a local muggle sobriety group. She's been clean ever since. But sometimes, when she gets stressed or something triggers her, I see that look in her eyes like she's considering it again. It scares me every time."

Maggie doesn't say anything, she just takes Fred's hand into her own and they lace their fingers together.

"But the point of me telling you that is, even when the threat is gone, the fear lingers. It's like an invisible weight on your shoulders. So, your fear of your grandfather, it makes sense. Trauma doesn't always follow logic."

"I'm sorry, Fred. I had no intention of bringing up painful memories."

"It's okay. We all have our baggage. The important thing is we help each other carry it. And," he adds with a mischievous grin, "we make cheesecake heists when needed."

"As long as you didn't make it," Maggie teases him.

"Tell your tastebuds they're safe," Fred grins at her.

"I will do," Maggie grins at him.

Fred winks playfully. "Good. Wouldn't want to subject anyone to my culinary experiments. Cheesecake heists should be a delightful experience, not a risky one."

"There are brains in there," Maggie gasps, ruffling his hair and Fred laughs.

Fred produces two forks and they begin eating the cheesecake. Maggie tries to push the guilt aside as she savours the strawberry flavour on her tongue. But after three bites, she places her fork down and Fred does the same.

"Are you okay?"

"When I eat more than usual, I feel guilty," Maggie admits. "My grandfather told me that my mother was renowned for her beauty and if I put on weight she'd be ashamed. From what I know of my mother, I know that it's not true but I can't help it"

Fred's expression softens as he listens to Maggie's confession. "I don't know if this will help or if you'll even believe me but I'll say it until you believe it. You are the most beautiful witch I've ever seen and your mother would be proud of you from what you've told me"

"I'm scared of food," Maggie lets out a humourless laugh. "It seems so silly"

"Stop invalidating yourself," Fred says. "You feel what you've been taught to feel. The fear comes from what your grandfather has taught you and like every other fear you have to slowly face it to conquer it. You're not going to be able to heal in a day. Now you've got me and everyone else"

"What would I do without you?" Maggie sighs, resting her head on Fred's shoulder.



Fred chuckles, pressing a kiss to the crown of Maggie's head. "Well, lucky for you, you don't have to find out what you'd do without me. We're in this together"

"Together," Maggie nods.

"Exactly," Fred agrees. "And who knows, maybe one day you'll find yourself enjoying a cheesecake without a single worry."

Maggie glances at the half-eaten cheesecake on the nightstand and then back at Fred. "I'll hold you to that."

Fred grins. "Deal. Now, let's finish this cheesecake, at your pace. One step at a time, right?"

"One step at a time,"

"One step at a time,"

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
LATIBULE - F.WEASLEYNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ