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Maggie and Harry whip around at the shout to see a muggle with a flashlight pointed at them. But Maggie's attention is diverted back to Harry when the boy drops to his knees clutching his head as pained groans escape his mouth.


"Is he alright?"

"Migraines," Maggie lies.

Noises behind them cause Maggie, Harry and the muggle man to turn. A squat, scruffy figure walks towards the trio, a bundle in their arms. As the man moved, glimpses of the thing inside the bundle became visible. The thing was extremely pale but tinged slightly blue, it looked skeletal and mildly disgusting.

"Kill the muggle," A high, cold voice whispers.

"Avada Kedarvra!"

Maggie watches helplessly as the jet of green light slams into the muggle man's chest, sending him flying back. His body lands in a crumpled heap but his eyes are wide open, staring at Maggie. His final expression of horror was frozen on his face as his lifeless eyes stared straight on.

"Oh my god!" Maggie gasps.

"Should I kill the girl?"

"No!" The voice hisses. "But make sure she doesn't interfere!"


Maggie screams as the familiar burning hot pain courses through her body once again. Her back arches as every muscle in her body tenses. She could faintly register Harry's shouts but the pain consumed almost every part of her mind.

"Enough Wormtail!"

The curse lifts and Maggie's body falls limp, watching helplessly as Harry is pinned against a statue. She remains limp, twitching occasionally, as she watches Voldemort rise once again.

"Margot McKinnon," The man crouches next to her twitching body. "I expected more from you"

"Fuck you," Maggie spits out through the pain.

"No manners these days," Voldemort tuts.

"Leave her alone!" Harry shouts.

At Harry's shout, Voldemort slashes his wand and Harry watches as blood begins to gush out of Maggie's arm as a large gash tears itself open before uttering the familiar six-letter word. Maggie wails in pain as she thrashes under the curse.

Maggie's eyes flutter closed when the curse is lifted once again. Her head lolls to the side as tremors wrack her body. Voldemort uses a finger to move her head before checking she was still breathing.


"If you wish it," The wizard rises, leaving Maggie on the floor before releasing Harry from the statue. "Pick up your wand Potter. Pick it up. We are to duel"

Maggie's eyes flutter and Harry's writhing body is all she can see. She wills for any part of her body to move but the most she could manage was a twitch of her fingers which were wrapped around her wand. She watches as Harry gets to his feet before the boy and Voldemort shout their spells of choice.



The fiery red of Harry's spell clashes with the luminous green of Voldemort's spell, creating a dazzling display of light and energy. In an instant, a blinding white light envelopes the young wizards and Lord Voldemort, as ethereal, glowing figures begin to take form before their very eyes.

A ghost of a blonde woman, almost identical to Maggie, speaks next. That's when realisation washes over Harry, this was Maggie's mother, Marlene.

"Help my daughter Harry,"

"I will,"

"Go sweetheart, go," Lily says to her son.

"NOW!" James shouts at his son.

Harry dives forward, cradling Maggie's twitching body to his chest before pointing his wand at the portkey, grabbing it and they disappear with a pop.

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