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"Not again!" Maggie groans, pulling her duvet over her head as Hermione, Ginny, Angelina and Katie pop confetti cannons. "You're all arseholes. Let a witch sleep"

"Fred said if you don't get out of bed when we try to wake you, we have permission to dump a bucket of water over your head.

"Tell Fred to go fuck himself,"

"You're awful in the morning," Angelina says, poking the witch's side.

"I'll commit a mass murder," Maggie threatens them before yawning. "Once I've woken up"

"Scary," Hermione says sarcastically.

Maggie finally sits up, her messy blonde hair sticking out in different directions. She rubs her eyes and glares at her friends.

"You know, not everyone enjoys a surprise wake-up call," Maggie grumbles.

"Oh, come on, it's your birthday!" Ginny exclaims, grabbing the witch's wrist and beginning to drag her from the bed.

"No, Ginny," Maggie groans when she hits the cold floor. "You're a bitch"

"But you love me anyway!"

Ginny along with the other girls drags Maggie to the stairs, the blonde complaining the whole way. They sit Maggie near the top of the stairs, pushing her down when it becomes a slide.

Maggie groans, landing in a heap on the floor as laughter rings through her ears. The witch sits up and glares at her boyfriend who is laughing loudly.

"You all suck,"

Fred leans down and pecks her on the cheek. "Happy birthday, love."

"Happy birthday, Maggie!" choruses from the group.

Maggie rolls her eyes, but there's a small smile on her lips. "Alright, fine. Thanks, guys. Now, can I have some coffee or something?"

"Ah, the birthday demands begin," Fred teases.

"Shut it, Weasley, or no birthday kisses for you."

Fred grins. "You wouldn't dare."

Maggie raises an eyebrow, smirking. "Try me."

"Well because I know my grumpy girlfriend," Fred hands her a steaming mug and her face lights up.

"Oh, you gorgeous ginger human,"

Fred chuckles. "I knew coffee was the way to your heart."

"That it is,"

"Presents!" Harry exclaims, waving a wrapped gift in Maggie's face.

"Fred, tell him,"

"You do not speak to this sleep demon until the coffee mug is empty," Fred shakes his head. "It's terrifying if you do"

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