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Maggie hated herself for picking Divination as an elective for her O

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Maggie hated herself for picking Divination as an elective for her O.W.Ls and N.E.W.Ts. The subject was so very boring and Professor Trelawney creeped Maggie out. The only fun thing was sitting in the common room with the twins and Lee, conjuring up gruesome deaths for each other to pass their assignments.

Maggie and Fred exchange confused looks as their gaze falls upon the random assortment of objects resting on the table before them. A cardboard carton filled with fresh eggs is positioned alongside a neat stack of plates.

"Eggs?" Fred asks.

"Oh fucking hell," Maggie sighs. "We're studying-"

"Welcome, class," Professor Trelawney appears from behind the curtains, interrupting Maggie. "It is as the yolks foretold... Today we shall be practising the art of Ovomancy. Try not to disturb the eggs before they are to be cracked. The egg can foretell a great deal if you know what to look for"

"We're predicting the future using egg yolks?" Kenneth Towler asks.

"Yes Mr Towler," The woman nods. "This branch of divination is believed to have roots tracing as far back as Ancient Greece"

"What a crock of shit," Maggie sighs.

"If you examine the plates in front of you, you see that they have a map of the stars on them," The professor continues. "How the yolk lands will help you perfect the accuracy of your predictions. Get cracking"

"Eggcelent," Fred jokes and Maggie rolls her eyes. "Come on, that was clucking hilarious"

"Fred, I'll toss you out of that wind- What are you doing?"

"Checking if the fall is worth it," The wizard replies, his face pressed against the glass. "Oh, it's definitely worth it. Let's get cracking"

As the class continues, Maggie and Fred find themselves reluctantly participating in the egg divination exercise. Maggie cracks the egg carefully onto her plate, watching the yolk spill out with a healthy dose of scepticism. Despite her best efforts to keep an open mind, she can't help but feel like this whole thing might be some kind of elaborate prank.

"Look at the way the yolk spreads," Professor Trelawney instructs. "The patterns it forms can reveal glimpses of the future."

Fred, being his usual self, can't help but add some fun to the task of cracking eggs. As he cracks the eggshells, he skillfully uses his wand to shape the yolks into random figures, causing Maggie to snicker.

"You'll have to interpret that one," Fred grins, pointing at the egg yolk transformed into what vaguely resembles a dancing hippogriff.

Maggie can't help but join in the mischief. "And this one here? Clearly, it foretells a wizard dying by crushing!"

"Dark, Trelawney will wet her knickers,"

The other students in the class look on with amusement as Maggie and Fred make a complete mockery of what they were instructed to do. Professor Trelawney, however, seems oblivious to their antics, lost in her own mystical world.

"See, Professor, the yolks have spoken!" Fred declares dramatically.

Maggie adds with a smirk, "And the yolks say we're going to die gruesomely"

"How, Miss McKinnon?"

"A wall," Maggie nods, trying to suppress the twitch of her lips as she gasps dramatically. "It will crush us to death!"

The Professor floats over to their table as they announce the most ridiculous scenarios their minds can conjure. Her gaze is fixed on the yolks on their plates, and she studies them with an intensity that borders on mystical.

It's as if she truly believes that the fate of the wizarding world can be divined through the pattern and texture of egg yolks

"And what does this signify?" Fred asks, pointing his wand at a particularly misshapen yolk.

"That one," Maggie starts with a thoughtful expression, "is undoubtedly a prophecy about the imminent invasion of puffskeins. Beware, for they shall conquer the wizarding world by licking an eyeball at a time!"

Fred adds, "You heard it here first, folks. The puffskein uprising is upon us!"

"Puffskeins, you say?" Professor Trelawney muses, her voice filled with an otherworldly tone. "Ah, the eye-licking prophecy, a rare and ancient omen! The puffskeins shall rise, their tongues foretelling a time of unprecedented terror. Beware, for the wizarding world shall be engulfed!"

As Professor Trelawney continues her mystical pronouncements about the impending puffskein uprising, Maggie and Fred exchange bemused glances as their classmates giggle. The professor's eerie sincerity adds an unexpected layer of absurdity to their playful divination antics.

"She can't be serious, can she?" Maggie whispers again, her eyebrows furrowed.

"I think she's deathly serious," Fred whispers back.

"I can't wait till Trelawney tells McGonagall this,"

"McGonagall might actually have an aneurysm at this point,"

"I can just picture McGonagall's face,"

"My dears, you two have ascended to the great beyond!" The Professor beams at Fred and Maggie who blink in surprise. "Your third eyes are open to the future"

"She's insane," Maggie hisses. "Did they pull her out of the Janus Thickney Ward?"

"I think she's right. I always suspected I had a third eye," Fred quips with a mock-serious expression.

Maggie rolls her eyes. "You're more likely to have a third leg."

"I already do," Fred wiggles his eyebrows and Maggie shakes her head.

"You're such an idiot,"

"I'm your idiot,"


"You're so mean!"

"I've been hearing that a lot lately,"

"That's because it's true,"

"I always knew you had the brain of a five-year-old,"


As the class wraps up, Maggie nudges Fred. "Ready to face the puffskein uprising, O Wise One?"

Fred grins. "Bring it on, Eye of Wisdom. I'll be the first to welcome our new fluffy overlords."

Maggie laughs. "You're incorrigible."

"And you love it,"

"And you love it,"

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