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Maggie keeps her head down at breakfast, her eyes intently focused on her book

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Maggie keeps her head down at breakfast, her eyes intently focused on her book. She wasn't absorbing a single word but she was refusing to look at the twins whose eyes were drilling holes into the side of her head.

"Maggie, darling!" The witch looks up from her book at Delphine's call of her name. "You must take me for a walk through the grounds. I hear they are rather beautiful, but I imagine they pale in comparison to you"

"Of course," Maggie replies. "There are so many beautiful spots to sit and just let the world fade away"

"Oh, you must finish your food first," Delphine looks at Maggie's plate. "You barely ate anything last night"

"I'm not hungry," The witch shakes her head, her stomach flipping as she stares at the plate. "So a tour?"

Delphine extends her arm to Maggie who takes it, allowing the Beauxbatons girl to lead her from the Great Hall and away from the stares of identical faces.

The grounds were quiet to say it was a Saturday so Maggie and Delphine's tour was peaceful. Delphine was listening to every single word that fell from Maggie's lips and asking questions that would cause Maggie's eyes to light up in excitement.

"The Black Lake is great when it's warm like today," Maggie informs the witch. "A lot of the students will go for a swim"

"Isn't there a squid?"

"Oh he's lovely," Maggie smiles. "Loves toast"

"So today is swimming weather?" Delphine asks and Maggie nods. "Well in that case-"

Maggie lets out a surprised yelp as Delphine playfully shoves her into the water. The splash registers in Maggie's senses just as she finds herself submerged, the sudden coolness shocking her for a moment. She managed to regain her footing, pushing herself up to the surface, her drenched hair clinging to her face.

As Maggie blinks away the water droplets and pushes her hair away from her face, she shoots Delphine an incredulous look. Delphine, however, was bent over, clutching her stomach as she howls with laughter.

"Your face was priceless!" Delphine manages to gasp out between fits of giggles.

Maggie can't help but smile at the witch's infectious laughter. However, mischief gleams in her eyes as she reaches for her wand, which is bobbing on the surface. With a sly grin, she points her wand at the still-laughing Delphine, silently mouthing the incantation for a water-making spell. Delphine's laughter abruptly ceases as a powerful spray of water douses her from head to toe.

"That's how we're playing this?" Delphine asks incredulously, wading into the water as Maggie laughs.

Their playful moment was abruptly interrupted by two loud voices emanating from just beyond the trees. Maggie's eyes widen as she glances down at her soaked attire, only to realize that her top is entirely see-through. Panic wells up inside her as she quickly assesses her options, and she begins to walk backwards until the water is up to her shoulders.

"They came this way-" One voice calls.

"Stop talking so loud, I still have a headache," The other voice grumbles.

"Oh, grow up,"

"I got smacked in the head by a metal pole!"

Maggie dips below the surface, her ears straining to make out the muffled words of the approaching figures.

"Where's McKinnon-"


"There she is-"

A strong hand suddenly grabs Maggie's wrist, pulling her up from the water. She finds herself face-to-face with Fred Weasley, whose forehead bears an ugly, healing bruise. She offers him a sheepish smile as she pushes her wet hair back from her face.

"You look better," Maggie says awkwardly, crossing her arms over her chest.

As Maggie shifts, her movement causes Fred's gaze to lower, and he gawks at what he sees. Maggie followed his eyeline before clicking her fingers in front of his face.

"Eyes up here," She says, raising an eyebrow, and Fred's ears began to turn an embarrassed shade of red. "Why are you here?"

"I would like a proper apology," Fred states, gesturing to the bruise on his head.

"Okay," Maggie rolls her eyes. "I apologise that you crept up on me in the most horrifying mask I have ever seen, scaring the life out of me which subsequently led to you getting smacked in the face with a pole"

"That was an awful way of saying I'm sorry,"

"Well suck it up because it's all you're going to get,"

"Well suck it up because it's all you're going to get,"

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