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"Why is Maggie McKinnon in your bed?"

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"Why is Maggie McKinnon in your bed?"

The sound of a male's voice causes Maggie to shoot up, her eyes locking on the two identical faces that were sitting on the bed next to hers.

"Well, good morning to you," George nods at her before looking back to his twin. "Fred, did you have sex with her despite her clearly having an emotional breakdown? Maggie, was it pity sex? Fred is terrible with women"

"There was no sex you pervert," Fred slaps his brother upside the head. "Maggie just needed a friend today"

George nods in understanding as Fred moves to sit on the bed next to Maggie. He pulls out a small vial of the familiar lilac potion before putting two drops into a glass of orange juice.

"Here," Fred hands her the glass.

"How do you-"

"Last year, our brother Bill got bitten by a snake in Egypt, he had to take it for convulsions and tremors,"

"Still has to take it every now and again," George chips into the conversation.

"I owled my mum," Fred says, producing a small tub of green paste. "It helps your muscles and nerves to relax. She uses it when the arthritis in her hands plays up, makes her hands tremble"

"You didn't have to do that," Maggie smiles at the boy who shrugs.

"I wanted to," Fred unscrews the top of the tub. "May I?"

Maggie nods, extending her hands to Fred who begins gently massaging the cream into her hands and up her arms.

"Those bruises look like they were sore," Fred comments.

"From the attack on the match," Maggie lies, averting her eyes.

"So," George changes the topic, picking up on Maggie's obvious discomfort. "You and that French girl seem close"

"Delphine's sweet,"

"Delphine's lusting after you," George corrects her and Maggie flushes red.

"She's very beautiful," Maggie shrugs. "But it would be too complicated and I just see her as a friend"

"A friend you'd hook up with?" George asks, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Maybe," Maggie admits causing Fred and George to laugh.

"You are an interesting one aren't you, Maggie McKinnon?" Fred stares up at her.

"I think you and your brother might be two of the very few people who call me McKinnon," Maggie sighs.

"Well, you wince when people call you Crouch," Fred shrugs, pulling his hands from hers. "We may play pranks but we don't go out of our way to hurt people's feelings or make them uncomfortable"

"Unless you're sneaking up on them in a rubber mask," Maggie jests.

"I think I well and truly learned my lesson," Fred points at the bruise on his head.

"I'm glad," Maggie giggles and Fred feels a warmth in his chest at her laughter.


Whispers fill the hall when the twins sit with Maggie for dinner. As usual, Maggie was pushing her food around her plate but now her eyes were sparkling as she laughed at something the twins had said.

Delphine, once again, was basically all over Maggie. The witch was very flattered by the attention Delphine was giving her but it was starting to annoy her. She felt like she couldn't breathe as Delphine's perfume continued to invade her senses.

"Maggie!" Hermione hurries over with Ron, Harry and Ginny in tow. "You didn't tell us it was your birthday tomorrow! We had to find out from Cedric!"

"I don't really celebrate my birthday," Maggie shrugs. "I don't really have enough friends to throw a celebration. Usually me and Cedric just get really drunk"

"Well, that's all changed now!" Harry wraps his arm around the older witch's shoulder, nudging Delpine away before sliding in between the two witches. "You have all of us now!"

"You have to have a party!" Ginny exclaims. "Don't worry, me and Hermione are on it"

"So McKinnon, are you going to enter the tournament?" Fred asks, leaning forward.

"Yeah," Maggie nods, her voice sounding whistful. "A thousand galleons can go a long way and take me far away once I leave Hogwarts"

"You want to travel?" Fred asks.

"Something like that," Maggie shrugs. "Either way, it sounds interesting"

"Well if anyone can win it is you Mags," Harry chimes in.

"Mags?" The witch questions.

"Well, everyone calls you Maggie," Harry shrugs. "We, your new inner circle, will now call you Mags as we are special"

Maggie laughs at the younger boy who is puffing his chest before he turns to face her fully. Harry grabs a butter knife causing Maggie's eyes to widen, and she shares a look with Fred.

"I dub thee," Harry begins tapping Maggie's shoulders with the knife. "Mags. Now and forever more"

"I think Maggie the Pipe-Wielding Maniac works better," Fred smirks.

"What's he talking about?"



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