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The uproarious cheers of the stands upon seeing two champions return with the cup fill his ears but Harry ignores them as he clutches Maggie's trembling body to his chest, sobs wracking his body

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The uproarious cheers of the stands upon seeing two champions return with the cup fill his ears but Harry ignores them as he clutches Maggie's trembling body to his chest, sobs wracking his body. Harry pushes Maggie's hair back from her face as she groans out in pain.

A loud scream sounds through the Quidditch Pitch as Fleur Delacor spots the blood staining Maggie's robes and the convulsing of her body. The cheers fade as people slowly realise that there are not two happy, smiling champions but rather a crying Harry Potter and a battered Maggie McKinnon.

"HARRY!" Dumbledore shouts, running down to the boy. "What happened?"

"Voldemort's back," Harry cries, tears slipping down his face as he clutches Maggie to him tightly.

"Harry, you need to let her go," Dumbledore places his hand on Harry's shoulder. "She needs medical attention immediately"

Harry continues fighting against Dumbledore's grip which causes Professor Moody to also begin pulling him back. Eventually, Harry is yanked away from Maggie and Professors descend upon her, wands drawn as healing incantations fill the air.

"Come on Potter,"


All eyes move to the attending Weasley family, all of whom were trying to wrangle Fred who was trying to get to the steps that led to the field.

"LET ME GO!" Fred shouts, wrestling against George and Ron's grip.

"Fred, you can't," George pleads with his brother. "They need to help her"

"I can't leave her lying there," Fred shakes his head. "She's alone"

"She has Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey," Ron says. "She's in the hands of two of the best witches in the Wizarding World"

George stares at Maggie's trembling body as the Professors crowd Maggie, spells being cast as Maggie convulsed on the floor. Tears well in his eyes as he clutched onto Fred who was still shouting for Maggie, his voice becoming increasingly more hoarse.

Mr Weasley is quick to pull Fred away and George turns to his mother who had her hand pressed to her mouth, her face pale. Her eyes lock onto George and she doesn't waste a second before she pulls him into her arms, his face unreadable as he stares at Maggie.

"Is she going to be okay?" George whispers to his mother, his voice cracking.

"I hope so, sweetheart," Molly murmurs, stroking his hair like she did when he was a child.

"What if she-" George watches as Fred drops to his knees next to Maggie.

"You can't think that way Georgie dear, we must always have hope. Maggie is a strong girl, she will pull through,"

"She's one of my best friends," George murmurs. "Fred loves her mum, he'll be distraught"

"You love her too, Georgie. Even if it is in a different way. Fred is with her now, that is what's helping him, seeing her alive. But you are going to stay here, with me, and when she's declared well enough, we'll go straight to the hospital wing,"

"Don't let me go mum,"


The moments tick by with agonizing slowness as George and Mrs. Weasley remain locked in an embrace, their eyes never leaving Maggie's convulsing form. Fred, still distraught and wrestling with his own emotions, clutches Maggie's hand as if willing her to be okay.

After what feels like an eternity, Professor McGonagall and Madam Pomfrey manage to stabilize Maggie's condition. The convulsions gradually subside, and Maggie lies still, her breathing heavy but steady.

The moment Maggie is stabilized, Madam Pomfrey swiftly conjures a stretcher, and with the help of some assisting spells from Professor McGonagall, they carefully lift Maggie onto it. Fred refuses to let go of her hand, and he walks alongside the stretcher, his eyes never leaving Maggie's unconscious form.

As they arrive at the Hospital Wing, the atmosphere is tense with worry and anxiety. Madam Pomfrey takes charge and directs Fred to wait outside while she begins her thorough examination of Maggie. Mrs. Weasley, her motherly instincts in full force, hovers nearby, offering silent support to her sons.

Meanwhile, George, torn between wanting to be by Maggie's side and respecting the healer's instructions, paces nervously and looks on with a deep sense of concern.

Fred, unable to sit still, walks to the window, staring out at the darkened sky. The weight of the recent events bears down on him, and he can't shake the feeling of helplessness. He was fiddling with the silver band on his left hand as he took deep breaths.

Moments later, the door to the Hospital Wing creaks open, and Madam Pomfrey steps out. Her expression is serious, but there's a hint of relief in her eyes.

"She's stable for now," Madam Pomfrey informs them. "But she's exhausted, and there's some residual magical strain. I've given her a potion to help her rest. She needs time to recover."

Fred rushes past Madam Pomfrey into the Hospital Wing, and George follows close behind. They find Maggie lying in one of the beds, her eyes closed, breathing peacefully. The sight of her unconscious, but still breathing, brings a sense of comfort to Fred.

 The sight of her unconscious, but still breathing, brings a sense of comfort to Fred

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