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"Right this way mademoiselle," Fred bows, pushing open the door to the room of requirements

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"Right this way mademoiselle," Fred bows, pushing open the door to the room of requirements.

Maggie walks into the room and a grin plasters itself on her face as a loud chorused shout of 'Happy Birthday!' roars through the room. The girl laughs as George places a tiara on her head before Harry drapes a feather boa around her neck.

"All hail the queen," Fred whispers in her ear, making her shiver at the sensation.

The party was the embodiment of letting loose. Everyone had smiles on their faces as they danced, drank and did whatever else. In the darker parts of the room, people were shamelessly having sex as the party raged on. It was the perfect amount of debauchery for Maggie to enjoy.

Harry and George shove drinks into her hands, cheering for her to chug them as Hermione hands Fred a drink.

Maggie can't help but be swept away by the lively atmosphere of the room. The pulsating music and vibrant lights create a sense of euphoria as she joins in the revelry. She raises her glass in acknowledgement to Harry and George, the feathers of the boa tickling her neck.

Fred takes a gulp from his drink, his eyes locked onto Maggie's. "To the birthday girl," he toasts, and they all clink their glasses together before downing their drinks. Laughter and cheers echoed through the room as the celebration continued.

As the night progresses, Maggie finds herself surrounded by friends, each offering their own unique brand of celebration. George and Hermione joined the dance floor, twirling and laughing, while Luna draped a string of colourful beads around Maggie's neck and the witch promised Luna she'd never take it off.

"Maggie!" Cedric stumbles over before leaning to whisper in her ear. "You ready to reach new heights?"

"Fuck yes, I am," Maggie nods, grabbing the boy's hand before grabbing Fred's wrist.

They approach a table to see students waiting for her, with wide grins on their faces as Cedric holds out the tray to her. Maggie grins, taking the rolled-up note from one of the students before swiftly inhaling the drug. Cedric is next, followed by Fred.

The drug thrummed through her system, making her feel like she was as light as air as she danced. She was aware of Fred behind her, his hands on her waist as they danced to the beat of the music.

"Come with me," Fred says in her ear.

Maggie allows Fred to pull her into one of the cubicles, kicking the door closed behind them. Within the blink of an eye, Fred had one hand in her hair and the other hiking her leg up around his waist.

"Fred, you're making me miss the party,"

Maggie giggles, tilting her head to the side as the wizard presses kisses down her neck. He lifts his head so he was at eye level with Maggie before pressing his lips on hers. The witch's hands fly to his hair, tangling her fingers in the soft strands.

The hand on Maggie's leg begins to travel up, pushing her dress up with it as Fred softly traces her inner thigh. Maggie gasps when his fingers brush over her underwear and Fred pulls away a cheeky grin on his lips.


"Just shut up and fuck me," Maggie mutters.

"As the birthday queen wishes," Fred nods.

Fred yanks on the underwear, pulling it down Maggie's legs before he begins to pull at his zipper. In a swift motion, Fred spins Maggie around so she's facing the cubicle door. The witch bends down as Fred kicks her legs apart.

"Fuck!" Maggie lets out a moan, throwing her head back.

Fred sets a brutal pace as he clamps his hand over Maggie's mouth. His other hand tangles itself in Maggie's hair, pulling on it harshly. The witch lets out a muffled moan as Fred continues at his brutal pace. It was as if every fibre of her being was tingling, so addicted to the wizard she adored with her entire being.

Time seemed to fade away from them as they lost themselves in the moment. The sensations were amplified by the alcohol and drugs that were thrumming through their systems, taking them to new heights as pleasure and release flooded both of them. Fred's hand tightens in Maggie's hair and his grip on her hip tightens as Maggie's eyes glow pink, sending waves of indescribable pleasure through Fred.

They pull apart and Fred gently wipes at some of Maggie's smudged mascara before repositioning the tiara on her head and the boa around her neck. The witch grins up at him, trying to flatten his hair down.

They walk out of the cubicle, trying to flatten their clothes as cheers fill their ears. Maggie and Fred share grins as they lift their joined hands in the air causing more cheers.

"You dirty dogs!" George shouts. "It's a party"

"I was just giving Maggie her present," Fred grins cheekily.

Maggie chuckles, her cheeks tinted with a rosy hue. "Well, it was certainly a surprise gift," she teases, playfully nudging Fred.

"Do you know I've had to stand here making sure people didn't come and try to piss?" George huffs.

"Have you had powdered wide-eye?" Maggie asks, noticing how dilated George's pupils are.

"I thought I'd see what all the fuss was about," George nods.

Maggie laughs at George's admission, her eyes widening in amusement. "Well, did it live up to the hype?"

George grins mischievously. "Let's just say, it's an experience. But enough about me, this is your night, birthday girl. It's time for all your deepest desires to come true"

"All I want is to get so wasted I don't know my own name," Maggie says.

"Consider it done! We'll make sure you have the most unforgettable, name-forgetting night of your life."

As the night winds down, Maggie finds herself surrounded by the people who matter most to her. The tiara may be slightly askew on her head, and the boa a bit tangled, but she wouldn't have it any other way.

Maggie laughs as Fred twirls her, the sound bubbling up from the depths of pure joy. She takes a generous sip of her drink, feeling the liquid course through her veins. The night becomes a kaleidoscope of colours and sensations as she dances, twirls, and loses herself to the rhythm of the music and the joy of loving Fred.

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