Issue #55 - The Brother Of Blood

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(Nightshade POV)

"Look at this city." The mad scientist known as Vincent Vandercourt stared down at the bright city bathed in darkness. We were in one of the upper floors of a skyscraper, standing in front of a wall comprised fully of windows.

Vandercourt had his arms crossed behind him as he grinned down at the bright lights of the city below. The moon shone high above, along with the glittering stars as the only other source of illumination in this darkened night.

I've always loved the night sky.

It's unfortunate that I have to share the view with this prick.

"Are you looking?" He questioned, glancing back.

"Yes, I am looking." I sighed.

"Do you see what I'm seeing?" Vandercourt grinned, his eyes sparkling with some sort of malicious joy. "I see opportunity."

He chuckled to himself, as if he had told some sort of funny joke. I did not find this man amusing in the slightest.

"Killian thinks so small." He stated, pressing his hand against the cool glass. "But once we execute this plan, he'll see the genius that I hold. He'll see just how higher we can climb."

Vandercourt raised his hand up, holding it up to the moon in his vision. And then, he pretended to crush it within his grasp.

"I've made a breakthrough, Nightshade." He grinned maniacally to himself. "Finally, after so long. How are things on your end with our new business partner?"

"...little progress has been made." I slowly admitted, frowning under my mask. "The group assembled was wiped out by a vigilante."

"A vigilante?" Vandercourt questioned.

"The new one which has been leaving jars of ashes behind." Nightshade continued.

"How diabolical." Vandercourt chuckled. "Leaving the remains of their victims like that? How interesting. I assume they aren't too fond of the idea of working together?"

"No." I shook my head.

I never expected for the hero Foxfire to burn the whole place to the ground with them inside. Let alone to then continue on a killing spree of other corrupt individuals connected to Stromford.

"It's the same one who is eliminating the allies of Stromford." I stated.

"That's unfortunate." Vandercourt sighed. "I'll make sure to let our little heroic duo know to either capture or kill the vigilante. Their blood would be useful, but not necessary."

He turned back towards me. "Then I assume the objective that our business partner has given you hasn't been completed yet?"

"No, it has not." I shook my head. "Bloodwraith is a tricky one to find, let alone capture."

"You best hurry up." Vandercourt replied. "Killian values this deal greatly. I do as well, considering I'll get Bloodwraith's blood."

"I understand." I nodded.

How repulsing. What a vile excuse of a human.

"Things are looking up, Nightshade." Vandercourt laughed. "Be happy! The fun has only just begun!"

He spread his arms wide, cackling as he stared through the window. My current phone buzzed, an important alert on its screen. I quickly checked it, seeing an order from our new business partner.

"I have been summoned." I stated.

"Go along." Vandercourt replied. "I need to do some research on my own."

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