Issue #49 - Telling The Truth

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The four looked at me with a silent anticipation. I scratched my head, trying to think about how I even started my story.

"I'm not..." I slowly spoke. "...exactly who you think I am. I'm not really Jason James."

"Oh, that's another alias?" Alexis wondered.

"No." I shook my head. "If that name doesn't count, then I don't really have a real name. That name was...gifted to me."

I fiddled with my thumbs, trying to figure out how to word things. "By the real Jason James. The real brother of Gabriel. But he's also known as..."

I took a deep breath. "...Miracle."

"That Miracle?" Aurelia questioned. "The second Rallying Hero? The one that went missing a year ago?"

"Yes." I nodded. "He was captured and brought to a scientist known as Vincent Vandercourt. Who performed an experiment on him..."

I took a deep breath, adjusting myself as I squirmed in my seat. "I'm not a human. At least, not in the traditional sense."

They looked at me, confusion displayed across their eyes. Sophie tilted her head to the side, not fully understanding quite yet.

"I'm a clone." I revealed. "Miracle's clone. Created by that damn Vincent."

A long silence held over as they all stared at me. I nervously sat there, waiting for someone to say something.

This is really awkward, someone please say something.

"So you were created..." Sophie finally spoke. " me."

Sophie took a step forwards, extending her hand out. I looked at it, before grabbing it. She yanked me up and pulled me into a hug, holding me tightly against her.

No seriously, I think she's gonna break a rib.

"In gonna die!" I croaked out.

Sophie let go of me, releasing me from a fate of being squeezed to death. Aurelia walked over, placing a hand on my arm.

"Miracle..." She whispered. "...he's gone, isn't he?"

"I buried him myself." I quietly spoke.

"So this is what has been haunting you all this time." Aurelia frowned. She pulled me into her, petting my hair in comfort.

"Was Vincent that man I found you with?" Eleanor asked.

"Yeah." I replied. "Though I didn't realize he also had a freaking S-Genome."

"Great~!" She clapped her hands together. "His face has been memorized! I can't wait to fucking tear it off."

"Also?" Alexis noted.

"I have the same DNA as Miracle." I replied. "And he has an S-Genome. But mine never worked, so I was deemed a failure."

Sophie's hand tightened on my clothes.

"Until now." I replied. "He injected me with something, and it hurt like hell. But hey, I have a power now!"

"Oh, it was so amazing~" Eleanor sighed softly. "His leg glowed a bright white as he unleashed a powerful kick."

"Some variant of super strength." Alexis hummed to herself. "I'll help you test it, my beloved."

"Thanks Alexis." I smiled.

"Curiously, dearie..." Aurelia wrapped her arms around me from behind as she rested her head in the crook of my neck. "...does this have anything to do with you saving Stellar all the way back then?"

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