Issue #2 - Are Normal Days Not A Thing?

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I sat down in my usual spot at Corey Cafe, a nice, popular, relaxing coffee shop with my favorite blend. I really need this cup of coffee before I go to this address that Davon gave me. Their coffee is one of the few things that keeps me going.

"Deathhand was captured yesterday, along with his group as well." The words of the first news reporter on the television up and in front of me caught my attention. "Making this the second major villain caught in the last three months."

"Well, I can't say it's a surprise." The second news reporter stated. "After the incident of the hero Miracle's disappearance, the heroes are working harder to make sure that doesn't happen to them."

"I'm other news, there hasn't been any more evidence as to what happened to Miracle." The first reporter stated. "Many people are theorizing on if he was killed, captured, or simply retired."

"Jason!" A voice tore me away from the news report. I turned to the side, seeing one of the waitresses walking towards me with a smile.

"Hey there Hikari." I grinned, leaning on my hand. "Looking as cute as always."

Hikari Hana, a very cute waitress working here at Corey Cafe. With bright, soft blue eyes, a beautiful round face, and brown hair tied into a nice ponytail, she's quite the catch for whoever she'll eventually end up with.

"Aw, thank you." She lightly blushed, giving me a smile in return. "Happy to see my favorite customer again. The usual?"

"Please, as always." I smirked. "Surprised?"

"Not really." She smiled. "Been a short while though. How are you?"

"Not bad, not the best." I shrugged. "You know how it is."

"Mhm, freelance." She nodded. "Can't imagine it's an easy field."

"Not at all." I chuckled.

Yeah, she doesn't even know the half of it. Not like I'd tell her though. She's just a sweet girl my age to talk to and do a little bit of flirting with. Kinda gets hard to talk to someone when you tell them you rob banks and do other crap like that for a living.

"Well, I'll be back shortly with your order." She stated, turning around and walking off with a brilliant smile.

I turned back to the television, only to see that the current news had already passed. I sighed to myself, waiting for Hikari to come back with my usual coffee.

Mother Wasp, huh? I haven't heard of her at all, so she really must be a new villain. She'll probably go under soon, but I might as well get as much as I can while she's active.

After all, it can be difficult sometimes to find villains that need lackeys. Many villains just act on their lonesome, rather than having lackeys and such. And I'd rather not return to the Cromwell Mafia Family if possible, that's a slippery slope.

A hooded man entered the cafe, hands in pockets as he walked around for a moment before standing still in the middle of the cafe. And then, he seemed to turn straight towards me.

"Here's your usual, Jason." Hikari spoke, placing down a cup of coffee in front of me with her gloved hands. I grabbed it, lightly bringing it up to my lips and taking a sip as I narrowed my eyes.

Hikari was about to leave as the hooded man brought his hand out from his pocket, holding something shiny.

"Duck!" I screamed, grabbing Hikari by the hand and pulling her down. My back slammed into the seat as Hikari landed onto me, a dagger soaring above us and penetrating the wall.

"Ooh, good reflexes!" The man chuckled as people started to get up and panic. "But I would prefer a few casualties for my villain debut!"

He laughed, swiveling and throwing a dagger to nail someone in the back. He pulled out more daggers from his pockets, before slinging them at more people.

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