Issue #24 - The Wasp's Next Steps

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I started heading back to my apartment, hoping that Sophie and Mother Wasp haven't torn the places to shreds. The only way I was able to even leave by myself was because Sophie didn't trust Mother Wasp.

But it was nice to take a breath of fresh air, talk to Hikari, and check on Gabriel.

He should be fine for the immediate time being, even with Killian Stromford knowing my face. But I think I'm going to have to move him to an Underground clinic.

I hadn't wanted to because it costs even more to keep him alive there, but it's better if he's safer. I'll get that handled after I find myself a new place. I need to erase my tracks once again.

What is the Underground, you ask? That's the general name referring to the various crime and unlawful things in the city. The club at Waverson Hotel, for instance, can be considered to be a part of the Underground.

As I was walking I suddenly had a strange feeling down my spine. I turned around, looking for someone, but didn't see anyone.

Huh. Thought I was being watched for a moment.

I continued walking back when I noticed myself pass a familiar corner store. It's been a while since I've been here. They'll be fine a little longer, right? I can take a little detour...

I pulled up my hood and entered the corner store, a new cashier behind the desk. He was writing something in a notebook, not paying attention. Couldn't blame him.

I strolled over to where I would always visit. The comic book section in the back. I like books with pictures.

I don't usually buy them but there's nothing wrong with looking at them, right?

Let's see what we have here...

Starboy Issue #327? That's a classic superhero comic series, alright. Seems like he's fighting some people in space.

Fairy Knights: The Graphic Novel? I assume that has a connection to those games somehow.

Hearts of Fire? I haven't heard of this one before. Wait a second...isn't this a freaking Stellar x Foxfire fanfiction turned into a comic? It's even published too?! What the hell?

How do I know that? You don't get to question me!

Oh look, they even have some manga now. Heaven's Hell Volume 1? Can't say I know anything about this one.

"Put the money in the bag!" Someone screamed from the front.

Is my luck seriously this bad? Am I cursed or something?

I should be.

Sorry, you've reached voicemail, please leave a message after the beep.

I glanced around the corner, seeing a man wearing a cheap kitsune mask as he pointed a pistol at the scared cashier. The cashier was quickly putting money into a bag on the counter.

I quickly looked around, trying to see if there were any cameras around in the store. The only one is behind the counter and I had my hoodie on. Should be good to go. I pulled out my ski mask from my pocket, pulling it over my face.

After last night I'm taking one of these everywhere I go. I call it the emergency tactical ski mask.

I crouched down, sneaking through the small aisles up to the front of the small store. I peeked out from around the end of the aisle, seeing that I was practically right behind him.

"Wait a second, you don't look like Foxfire to me." I grinned, leaning on the aisle.

He whirled around in surprise, swinging his gun to face me a little too slowly. I grabbed his arm, moving the gun out of the way and slamming my knee into his stomach. He gasped, keeling over and allowing me to grab his arm and throw him over my shoulder. He landed onto the floor, the gun clattering to the side. Before he could do anything else I kicked him across the face, properly knocking him out.

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