Issue #23 - The Girl Behind The Fox

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(Hikari POV)

I sat on the couch with Sarah, hanging out at her place. She owned a small little apartment and often let me crash here for any reason.

In this case, Sarah had called me over. Apparently she had a rough night, and as we watched the Super Live channel on the television I quickly realized why.

"The Masquerade Ball hosted by Killian Stromford was attacked last night." The reporter stated. "The attack resulted in two casualties, two seemingly new villains who seemed to have been killed by the other villains in a clash. Police is currently investigating their identities."

"Once again, another villain incident occurring against Stromford Industries has occurred." The reporter continued. "But it seems we finally have a name to the one behind these attacks."

"Introducing herself as Mother Wasp, she's described to be a long-haired blonde with gray eyes." The reporter explained. "A report from Stromford Industries reveals she's actually a former employee named Aurelia Gardenia."

"There are also witnesses that claim there was another villain as well who assisted Mother Wasp, stated to be wearing a maid outfit." The reporter concluded. "We warn everyone to be a lookout on these two new villains. That is all of the news of last nights incident we know of."

"Three." Sarah grumbled. "How did no one notice him?"

I looked over to Sarah. She was a cute girl who hid most of her looks with her disheveled hair, thick glasses, and hunched over position. No one who met her would ever suspect who she truly was.

For when she donned the costume, she became the amazing Stellar! The Hero of Hope! My idol!

Ahem, excuse me.

And I somehow got the honor of getting to know her and learning of her secret identity. And all of that started with me impulsively fighting a villain who threatened my job, boss, and crush.

I had planned on taking the normal, long application route to becoming a hero but that kind of kickstarted things off.

And now, to the public, I'm known as Foxfire!


I don't have a cool nickname yet...

But one day!

"I can't believe I let him get away again!" Sarah groaned, holding her head in her hands.

"It's okay, it's okay." I consoled her, lightly rubbing her back.

"I can't believe the Administration hasn't put him in the official villain list yet!" Sarah protested. "They even put this Mother Wasp in already!"

"I'm sure they'll put him in." I replied. "I mean, he's escaped you four times now? Has anyone done that before?"

"Only two in my five years." Sarah grumbled. "And both of them required multiple heroes to take down. They need to realize that Ski Mask will be the next one!"

Sarah is someone who always does her best no matter what it is. Whether it is college work, hero work, or anything else. She's a bright ray of sunshine that inspires people, part of why she is the Hero of Hope.

But at the same time, she's also incredibly stubborn. And recently her stubbornness has been shown in full force with this so-called "Ski Mask".

I personally don't think he's as big as a threat as Sarah says, but I've also come face to face with him only once. Unlike Sarah, who he's successfully evaded four times before. So for all I know maybe he is very dangerous.

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