Issue #54 - My Mechanical Soul

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(Sophie POV)

I laid on the table as she worked on me. I refused to allow myself to be shut off during the procedure, which for the most part was not an issue. After all, I could not feel pain.

I am a robot. That will never change.

It is obvious that I would not be programmed with pain. Biologically, pain is important for humans. It alerts them of danger and allows for awareness of the body's well being.

However, the benefits of pain are negligible for a robot, and thus there are only downsides. In that case it is not sensible to include that function.

"Okay, that should be it." She wiped the sweat from her face, sitting down on her chair. "How're you feeling?"

"Systems are functioning normally, Dr. Laurier." I stated, sitting upright.

"That's good to hear." Dr. Laurier sighed in relief. The woman had long, black hair tied into a bun and held in place with a pin. She had shining green eyes behind red framed glasses that sat gracefully upon her face. She wore a black sweater with an open white lab coat, which she was currently pulling at as she fanned herself.

This scientist is the one which Aurelia introduced me to. Now an independent contractor, she used to work for a weapons company that ended up going under.

After I had failed to protect Master and was damaged heavily, she was the one which repaired me. Aurelia took me to her and persuaded the woman to repair and upgrade me with an easily appropriate sum of money.

This was now my third time seeking upgrades from her, the second time on my lonesome.

"I have to say though, the upgrades you requested for are..." She sweatdropped. "...odd. And not my area of expertise."

"I will inform you if there are any issues." I replied, sitting upright on the table without observable issue. "Motor functions are stable."

"Yes, please do." She replied. "While a scientist and engineer, I've really only worked on weapons. Not, uh..."

She trailed off, before shaking her head. "Anyways, immediately let me know if there are any issues. Best case scenario, everything is fine! Unfortunately tech doesn't like to work."

"Not that I meant you!" She suddenly exclaimed, shaking her hands in front of her. "You've been nothing but cooperative! I didn't mean to suggest-!"

"It is alright, Dr. Laurier." I cut her off. "I am aware of my existence as a manufactured android."

"Sorry." Dr. Laurier sighed. "But I must say, if Miss Aurelia hadn't brought you while you were damaged, I would've thought you were perfectly human! You truly are incredible."

"Thank you for the praise." I replied, standing up from the table.

"Though I would appreciate if you'd put your clothes back on now..." Dr. Laurier looked away. "...because now you really look like a human, other than the seams."

"Your work is impressive, Dr. Laurier." I replied, putting on undergarments, and then a simple white shirt and black skirt. I would be wearing my proper attire of the maid uniform, however the easiest way to access Dr. Laurier's lab was to walk in public.

Unfortunately I do not have a disguise that I can wear in order to differentiate myself from The Maid. And randomly appearing in public and causing heroes to come after me will only trouble Master.

I should look into obtaining a wig, perhaps even contact lenses. I am unsure if they will work, considering my "eyes" are not the same as a human's.

"Well, you've been quite the learning experience..." Dr. Laurier nervously chuckled. "I've never been as stressed as when you were brought for repairs, considering the urgency."

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