Issue #40 - The Mad Scientist

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(??? POV)

I took a long sip of my coffee, analyzing the footage of Stellar. I slowed it down, seeing as the blurred past the camera at extreme speeds. No, she had definitely become quicker. She wasn't this strong when she first debuted, that's for sure.

Would've been so much easier back then, but it wouldn't be as valuable then either, wouldn't it?

I chuckled to myself, twirling around in my chair as I continued to drink my coffee. If what I'm thinking is correct, then this could be so very interesting.

"Flight and super strength is indeed a dangerous combo." I muttered to myself. "But with two powers they should be weaker. However both of hers are as powerful as someone with one S-Genome."

Shes been active for five years. No one thought much of her first until she started to kick serious ass. Now she's one of the most known, loved, and powerful heroes in Champion City. All while being quite young, somewhere in her young twenties.

Is this kind of growth natural to double-powered S-Genomes? Or is this exclusive to Stellar herself? It would be so damn easier to know if there were more double-powered. Unfortunately, only three known ones exist.

Stellar, Miracle, and Justice Man.

One is active, strong, and protected by the Administration.

One is done.

And the final is retired, unknown, and also protected by the Administration.

It's not easy to get the blood of a double-powered. But if I could, then it could be so damn valuable!

And then there's always him, who should hopefully be returning soon. But I'm still not quite sure if he counts or not. I need to run more tests whenever Killian is able to get him to me.

A knock rang on the door to my office.

"Dr. Vandercourt?" A voice asked from outside the door.

I sighed to myself. "Yes?"

"The combat tests were a success." The voice stated.

"As I knew they would be." I stood up, kicking my chair to the side. My lab coat drifted behind me as I strolled over to the door and opened it.

I exited my dark room, my subordinate backing up. I combed a hand through my messy and unkempt brown hair with a grin.

"Perfect." I chuckled. "With this, capturing him should be easier. And Killian will be happy, I suppose. Lead the way, my servant!"

The subordinate simply sighed and walked away as I followed him. Various different thoughts and plans ran through my head as we walked through the lab before we reached the room.

He opened the door, revealing a room with a bunch of various tech and two tables. Sitting upon the two tables were two different people, perfectly human in looks despite their robotic constitutions. Various cords were plugged into them, and two other subordinates each held a tablet as they analyzed data for each one.

"Perfect, perfect!" I clapped my hands together. "There were no issues, then?"

"None." The first subordinate answered. "They both successfully subdued all prisoners in an appropriate manner."

"Good, good. Diagnostics?" I questioned.

"All good here." One of the subordinates with a tablet stated.

"No issues." The second one followed up with.

"Heh, I knew it could be done." I chuckled. "That stupid, stupid Dr. Willard couldn't figure it out. Killian was right to entrust this abandoned project to me."

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