Issue #29 - The Stalking Wraith

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(Bloodwraith POV)

"Why, of course." He smiled back naturally.

Oh, is he not afraid~?

That's great~!

He took my hand, a shock running through my body as he took me to the dance floor. We moved into position, my heart starting to rapidly thump at our close position to dance. My heart thundered in my ears as he stared straight into my eyes.

Oh my, oh my, oh my oh my oh my~!

I've never felt like THIS before!

"Isn't this a fun coincidence?" I smiled. "I didn't expect to see you again so soon."

Thank goodness it was so soon, I was going insane! And I'm already crazy!

"You make it sound like it wasn't one." He replied. "And I think you're mistaking me for someone else."

Don't play dummy, dummy~!


I grinned in response. "No, I am sure I recognize you. You smell the same, though there is the scent of another woman this time."

And for some reason, it's kinda ticking me OFF.

Why can't that be my sceeeeeent?!

"I still think you have the wrong person." He nervously chuckled.

Ah, he laughed in that same, attractive, nervous way. He feigns innocence yet holds a confidence behind it!

"I know you were the one under the ski mask." I whispered, leaning in. "So what's the name, handsome?"

Won't you tell me, pretty please?

"Richard." He replied. "A happily married man."


Ahem, my bad~!

I meant to think that I know you aren't!

I rolled my eyes. "I want the real name."

"I don't want to blow my cover." He whispered back, a shiver going down my spine as his breath floated past my ear. "And I'd rather not get umbrella'd tonight."

Oh, he's funny.

You're only making me want you more.

"Fair enough." I grinned. "Another time then, you incredible dancer."

"Oh please, praise me more." He winked. "Flattery will you get you everywhere."

My heart went into overdrive.

Fuck me. Now.

"Good to know. I'll be keeping that in mind." I smirked, before changing topic. "You know, you're the first one to ever see my face and live."

"I'm sure I can't be the first..." He nervously chuckled once again.

Oh, you absolutely are. All the others are dead~!

"You are." I replied. "I think I'll find you quite interesting."

I want you.

"And what makes me so interesting?" He asked with a teasing smile.

Your personality. Your face. Your luck. Your skill. Your scent. Wondering how your blood tastes. Your actions. Your choices.


"I'm just going to keep that to myself for now." I giggled. "You're awfully calm."

"Why wouldn't I be?" He smirked.

Just An Ordinary Henchman (Yandere Superhero Harem)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang