Issue #13 - A Hero, A Hitman, and a Robot Enter A Bar

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This sounds like the set up to a bad joke.

People screamed, running each and every direction and causing absolute chaos. The men in red suits started pushing their way through the panicking crowd while Trevor's bodyguard started walking towards me.

Sophie, who was arm wrestling some poor soul, suddenly stood up while still holding this guy's hand. She yanked him up, proceeded to spin and chuck the dude through the air. He smacked into the back of the bodyguard, causing him to pause and look back towards Sophie.

It would be really great if I could just pick this guy up and run, but I'm still partially limping thanks to my injuries. And I'd definitely be slowed down trying to carry him.

Guess we'll just have to take care of these opponents first, then get information from Trevor afterwards.

Sophie punched the man across the room, sending him flying to the other side. The three red suit men pushed through the final people of the crowd, now standing in front of us.

Sophie and I pulled out our ski masks, putting them on. The bodyguard stood back up, now leaving all of us in a stand-off. Sophie and I stood in front of Trevor, the three red suit men across from us, and the bodyguard to our left.

"Are you kidding me?!" Roared the man from the counter. "We were 156 days without incident! Bouncers!"

The first bouncer from outside stood back up, starting to approach us. A few more bouncers appeared from the back, adding even more fuel to the fire that is this situation.

"If everyone would just kindly back up..." I smiled. "...then I don't need to shoot anyone!"

"You messed with the wrong guy." The bodyguard cracked his neck.

"The Sever Brothers have a job." One of the men in red suits stated. "Don't get in our way."

I turned towards Sophie. "Do what you do best."

Sophie nodded.

I quickly turned around, pointing my gun towards the approaching bouncers. There were three of them, two of them pausing. The third continued forwards despite the gun pointed towards him.

"Well, I warned you." I shrugged, pulling the trigger.

The bullet slammed into his chest. He stumbled back for a moment, before grinning and running full speeds towards me.

Shit, he has armor under that suit!

The other bouncers starting running towards us as well, including the one on the other side of the room by the entrance.

I stashed my pistol and rolled out of the way as the bouncer jumped over the table in a tackle. He quickly rolled to his feet, dashing towards me with a fist reared back.

I dodged his fist, smacking him across the face with my own. I was suddenly put in a chokehold from behind by one of the men in the red suits, trying to take advantage of the situation.

Sophie smacked a bouncer away, before grabbing another one and chucking him at one of the red suit men. The bodyguard rushed towards, sending a kick to Sophie that connected and sent her flying backwards.

The bouncer glared at me, coming closer and punching me in the stomach. I grunted, throwing my legs up and kicking off of the bouncer's body.

I swung my leg upwards, moving them up and behind the red suit man's head. Our balance changed, causing us to fall to the ground. His head slammed down, causing him to release me and allow me freedom.

That's my best takedown yet!

I rolled to the side as the bouncer slammed his foot down on where I just was. I quickly scampered to my feet, another bouncer coming from behind. He threw a punch, only to hit the other bouncer across the face.

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