Issue #34 - Operation: Recover Husband

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(Alexis POV)

"Well." I crossed my legs in the passenger seat of the car as we pulled out of the warehouse. "I think that went well."

"If you say so, my lady." Hanson, the leader of my special group, replied.

"I don't want to hear the sass Hanson." I countered. "That servant proved to be an obstacle, but I was able to put my tracker on him."

"Sometimes you scare me." He sighed.

"Oh calm down." I rolled my eyes. "I can't be letting my dear husband go disappearing again. Besides, I assume he'll notice it and take it off and then move."

I grinned to myself.

"It's like a game of cat and mouse." I chuckled.

"I don't understand what you see in him, my lady." Hanson replied. "Before he supposedly died he attempted to murder you."

I stared down at my hand, tracing the scar that ran along its length. He really was alive. My beloved truly has come back from the dead.

Or maybe he never died.

Either way, I don't really care. All that matters is that he truly is back. Father wasn't wrong when he said he saw Will-

Shit. Jason.

That will take some getting used to.

"I know that wasn't truly him." I whispered.

He was different when he slaughtered those men. He was vicious, cold, and uncaring. As wondrous as it was to see him tear those men to shreds, I knew that wasn't truly him.

It was something else that lurked deep inside of him.

Maybe it's some sort of demon. But as I think that I can't help but sound ridiculous. At this point I might as well wrap my arm in bandages and place an eyepatch over my eye.

"This is a special seal made to hold the demon within me..." I muttered, flashing my hand over my face and staring through my fingers.

"It's a shame, but it seems I'll have to tell the Don that the young lady has gone insane." Hanson sighed.

"Shut up Hanson." I replied, giving him the middle finger. "I am in the middle of incredibly important brainstorming about my beloved."

"Your mind has indeed always been a dangerous place." Hanson nodded.

"I don't know why I deal with you." I groaned.

"It's because you can't drive, my lady." He stated.

"Excuse you, I can drive." I crossed my arms. "Now leave me be, I must think of my next course of action."

"Of course, my lady." Hanson nodded.

Good. Now, step one of Operation: Recover Husband is complete. Now we move onto step two.

It is obvious that my beloved is running away from me. I can only assume that's because he's afraid of hurting me again. it because he found someone else...?

My fists tightened. I took a deep breath, calming myself and allowing them to relax. Let's calm down and not jump to assumptions.

One of the things I need to do is to prove to my beloved that I have become stronger. No longer will he have to worry about hurting me, because I have been training with my ability.

Spectral Hand, as I call it. No one has an ability quite like it. I can summon this translucent hand which can physically affect the world around me. It is quite the handy ability, considering it doesn't feel pain nor can be killed.

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