The Seed

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Kazuto slammed his front door open. Already outside it was beginning to snow as he put on his bike helmet, searching for his bike. "Where is it!? Where is it!?"

"Kazuto!" Suguha ran out. "You said that Meltdowner blasted your bike remember?"

"Oh! Right!" Kazuto muttered. "Er.. what do I do!? What do I do!?"

"Run!" said Suguha. "Just run all the way there! Yeesh, it's not like you're a very fast biker! Go see her! She's awake now and waiting for you!! Mikoto called and said she would catch up later! But you're the one whose freaking in love with her! Forget the bike and run!!"

"Gotcha!!" Kazuto said... and so he ran. .he ran through the lightly falling snow that slowly began to accumulate around him...

The monorail was there, waiting right on schedule for him, ready to take him into Academy City.

It was almost too wonderful to be true.. The fact that Asuna might finally be awake.. waiting for him... could she? Could she be there!?

Kazuto had been caught up in this that he didn't even think to bring the Dark Fiber Sword or the Electro Pulse Sword... which later would prove to be a big mistake.. however...  when one is in love.. one does not think straight to begin with..

All he could think about.. was her face.. and how he needed to get to her as quickly as possible...

As he jumped off the monorail.. he nearly collided with Uiharu, who for some reason, was out shopping late at night..

"K-Kirigaya-san!?" Uiharu exclaimed in surprise.. but Kazuto didn't stop to say hello.

He didn't even notice Seyat emerge from a screen at a nearby electronics store and watch him run off.

Finally.. by the time he came to Academy City's hospital.. the snow was packed on the parking lot, and he was leaving foot prints in the white..

"Finally.." Kirito whispered. "Fina-"

"KIRITO!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!!" a massive armored mechanical arm slammed down at Kazuto, barely missing him, and shaking the ground. Kazuto was sent sprawling back, his back hitting the hood of a car and denting it, while breaking the windshield.

"Wh-wha..." Kirito rolled off the car, groaning in pain.

A giant black and white mech suit approached. It's two massive cylindrical arms were almost gorilla-ish in appearance.. it's two large feet were fitted with belted tires.

The mecha's black windshield opened up to reveal Sugou sitting in the cockpit, laughing deliriously.

"Can you believe!? Hahahahaha! The things you can find in Academy City!?" Sugou said. One of his eyes was red and swollen, and appeared to be partially blind as a result to what he had experienced  in ALO..

"COME BACK HERE!!" Sugou roared as Kirito got up and rolled away from another giant punch from the mecha. "I'm supposed to kill you remember!? HAHA!!!" The mech's windshield closed back down as it went on the move.

Sugou 's terribly blurred eyesight was hindering him greatly as he continuously tried to smack Kirito with the mecha's fist.. always only missing him by a couple of inches.

Finally Sugou seemed to get his act together despite his severe handicap, and he slammed the ground with both fists.. using the shockwave to knock Kazuto over.

"Alright!" Sugou growled. "Now for the good part!!"

A large barrel rotated out from the mech's shoulder.. aiming itself down at Kazuto

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