Having a Meltdown

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It probably took about 15 minutes to get the hang of flying. Before then, Mikoto crashed into 12 trees, crash landed 18 times, and collided with Kirito in mid air several other times. Finally, after all the botched attempts, she was gliding along normally next to Kirito, following right behind Mista and Leafa.

"This, is awesome!" said Mikoto as she felt the wind fly through her hair and past her furry ears.

"It is pretty amazing isn't it?" said Leafa. "Sadly though, you're only able to fly for a limited amount of time. But considering how fast one can travel during flight, the time limit doesn't matter too much."

"Just so you all know, we're going to be entering Sylph territory, so it's important you two stick close to us if you don't want to get PKed." said Mista.

"We can defend ourselves fine.. I think." said Kirito.

"Not in Sylph territory you can't." said Mista.

"Each race of Fairy in ALfheim has their own territory where they're absolutely invincible against any other race but their own. While out in the field, it's completely fair game for anybody to kill each other, if you're, say, for example, a Cait Sith in a Spriggan town, the Spriggans could make your health hit zero, but the Cait Sith couldn't... Basically, towns are non PK zones ONLY for the race that dwells in that town."

"I see." said Kirito. "It would be suicide for any other race other then a Sylph to enter a Sylph town.. unless they came invited as a guest or friend. Guess this game isn't one that runs on a duel system.."

"Well, it can.. and those of the same race can duel each other." said Leafa. "Say.. why don't we fly a little faster..? "

"In a rush?" Mista asked.

"No.." Leafa muttered. "Just.. it's a little strange how those Salamanders knew where we were today..."

Leafa chuckled. "Sorry you two.. it's not your problem.. forget what I said just now.."

"Nonsense." said Mikoto. "We kind of owe you two, so if there's any trouble we can help with, just say the word.."

"Well we kind of owe you two for saving us.. so it's even." said Leafa. "Oh! Right.. there we go.. there's the town.. race you there!"

"Race us there eh?" Mikoto grinned at the challenge. "Okay then.."

"I wouldn't count on winning." said Mista smugly. "We Sylphs are the fastest race in AL-"

"BOOOM!!!!" There was a sonic boom as Mikoto rocketed past, leaving behind a powerful wind trail.

"N-no way!! That's the fastest Cait Sith I've ever seen!!" Leafa exclaimed.

"That's Railgun for you." Kirito said.

"HAHA!! You're going to have to speed up if you're going to catch me!" Mikoto yelled joyfully, letting the wind blow past her face.

"Wait.. Railgun! YOU'RE GOING TOO FAR IN!!" Leafa yelled.



"Neh!?" Mikoto looked forward, just in time to see a green tower only 3 feet from her face.

When Mikoto next opened her eyes.. she felt like a pancake.. her vision was fuzzy, and a percentage of her health bar on the left corner of her vision was down... she was lying on the ground with Kirito, Leafa, and Mista looking down at her.

"Ouch.." Mikoto muttered. "Just ouch."

Leafa and Mista both giggled as Kirito helped Mikoto up.

Railgun Online. Book 2, Fairy's LightWhere stories live. Discover now