Fight and Win

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Fighting monsters in aerial combat was not easy at first, especially given that you were trying to command your blade's movements and adjust your wings at the same time. But Mikoto easily got the hang of it, allowing her Esper brain to help her calculate and recalculate her updraft intake and glide time at light speed, and soon, she became as good an aerial fighter, if not better, as Leafa

The large fly wveyrns let out echoing cryies as they flew at Mikoto. Only to have Mikoto flash around like a speeding bullet, slicing them all to pieces  with the Master Sword's white evil destroying holy blade. (Or like Legend of Zelda says, a blade with a light that demons detest.)

Kirito wasn't too far behind, though stat wise, the Black Iron Great Sword was quite insignificant, in Kirito's hands, it was a deadly weapon, Kirito used to weave webs of strikes around him, taking each monster out with one critical skillful hit.

Mikoto though, had to admire Leafa. While Mista was quite average in wielding her sword, and then switching to her fast hunting knife when necessary, Leafa's swordsmanship skills almost were enough to rival Kirito's. She was fast.. really fast.. she couldn't outspeed Mikoto, not by a long shot, but she was fast enough for the one called the Blurred Blade back in SAO to notice.

After the monsters were eliminated, everybody slowed to hover in mid air.

"Whew!" said Leafa. "There were more of those then we thought. I think we've earned some pretty nice skill points and items from that, usually those monsters are highly rare. And by the way Railgun, I have to say.. I'm surprised you're not a Sylph, cause you're the fastest player I've ever encountered, where have you allocated your skill points? you know what? Never mind, I shouldn't be asking about your skills, it's rude.

"Oh no.. it's okay." said Mikoto cheerfully, opening her avatar menu and showing it to Leafa.

Leafa and Mista's jaws both dropped. "Y-You maxed out your speed stat already!? So early!?

"A-and th-that's not all!" Mista exclaimed. "The rare Shunpo Skill that doubles your speed in a high emotional state! That's.. holy crap.. you are FASSSST!!"

"Not even our Sylph lord can match that!" said Leafa. "That must mean you decided to bypass a lot of other skills to reach this!"

"You bet.. she can't cook, she can't fish, she can't treasure seek.." Kirito counted off skills Mikoto was still in rock bottom zero at. "She mainly levels up skills that she can use to survive monsters, or fight in combat.. a bit like me.. only I go for fishing and a lot of other recreational skills."

"I have 910 points in swimming." said Mikoto.

"Yeah, that's your only recreational skill." said Kirito.

"So many skill points when you haven't even played this game that long.." said Leafa. "If I didn't know better about you two, I'd say you cheated. But after seeing your skills in a fight, I pretty much know you two are the types who'd be good enough gamers to get a lot of stuff done quickly. Anyways, we're almost to the nearest town.. we can stop by there to recuperate in about another 15 minute's flight.. after we land and rest in the field."

"Yeah.. our wings are reaching their limit.." said Mista pointing out the loss of glitter in everyone's wings. "If we don't land soon, we're going to fall out of the sky and actually take some serious fall damage."

So the group landed in a clearing below, this time, Mikoto and Kirito lightly landed on their feet without any problem.

"I'm so good at flying now.. I think I'll give myself a nickname like all those ace pilots do." Mikoto joked.

"Really?" said Kirito. "What would you call yourself then?"

"Silver Crow!"

"Seriously!?" Kirito laughed. "There's nothing about you that's silver though!"

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