The Fairy's Dance.

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Well folks, this book is almost done, and I'm going to finish it all soon cause I have a LOT of time to burn.. then I'll be moving on to update Omnitrix and get myself ready to put in the prologue for Railgun Online, Book 3: Phantom Bullet. Thanks for sticking with Kirito and Mikoto this far! :)

Just looking at the inside of the tree was an awe inspiring thing. As Mikoto had initially expected, the entire inside of the tree was completely hollow. What she didn't expect were there to be white armored winged gaurdians flying out of openings within the hollow of the tree, swarming into so many, so great in number, that even if they were all weak enemies.. Mikoto was sure that there was no way just her and 3 others could take them on.

"Touma... if you're out there.. please be doing what I told you to do.." Mikoto muttered to herself.

It had been a simple plan.. A plan that was designed to catch Sugou in his terrible act of trapping the 300 sleeping players as well as rescue Asuna. Two birds with one stone.

All Touma needed to do.. was put the flash drive in at the last moment.. that flash drive that Mikoto had used her power to create, to hack in a program so simple, yet so deadly...

That's all that was needed..

And so Leafa, Mista, Mikoto, and Kirito flew up against the swarms of enemies... Their weapons drawn...

"They'll keep respawning as quickly as we kill them all!" said Leafa. "And they'll go for supports over melee fighters! In other words.. it's pretty much impossible to get past them at all!!"

"Impossible.." Mikoto muttered.

"Well... we were made to do the impossible!!" Kirito said. He smiled at Mikoto and held out his hand. "Shall we?"

Mikoto took Kirito's hand. "Let's get Asuna!!"

Kirito threw Mikoto up at the swarms of guardians, and her Master Sword gleamed bright as she spun among the AIs hacking and slashing all of them apart, and soon Kirito joined her, the both of them seamlessly working together.. slashing their way through the enemy.

"FLU ZU KLYU!!!!" Leafa and Mista both chanted at the same time.. and a powerful whirlwind surrounded both Mikoto and Kirito, protecting them from harm and ripping apart the numerous minions at the same time.

But the minions immediately stopped attacking Mikoto and Kirito and swarmed down to come at Mista and Leafa.

"NOW! While they're distracted with us!" Leafa screamed. "Try and break through the swarm!!"

"RIGHT!!!" Mikoto yelled. "Kirito with me!! Remember that two person combo from SAO!!!"

"How could I forget!?" Kirito yelled. "LET'S DO IT!!!"

"STAR BURST OVERDRIVE!!!" Both Mikoto and Kirito wove their blades around in a spectacular display of skill.. the way the blades overlapped each other without hindering their own process, cleaving through the minions.. it was like watching something otherworldly and wonderfully beautiful.

The 99 hit combo that comprised of two sword wielders to work together with absolute affinity ended with the final blow, allowing the twosome to drill their two blades in one massive spectacular Vorpal Strike.

The light reflected off their blades as they did this, giving them the appearance of a human lightning bolt.

But as they drew close to the edge of the swarm.. suddenly, every minion in the room stopped attacking Leafa and Mista, and they clustered in front of Kirito and Mikoto, turning into a multilayered line of defense.. stopping the powerful attack right in it's tracks, and using their weapons to bash the twosome back.

Railgun Online. Book 2, Fairy's LightWhere stories live. Discover now