Railgun V.S. Eugene

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To answer a quick question from plenty of my readers. No, Mikoto is not stronger then Kirito in ALO or SAO. Mikoto is actually stronger then Asuna, and at times she's as skilled as Kirito.. but usually Kirito outclasses Mikoto in sword ability. Kirito is stronger in the VR world while in the real world, Mikoto is far stronger then Kirito thanks to her large experience and skill as a Level 5. It's safe to say, that Mikoto is the second strongest in comparison to Kirito. (Though there were times in which Mikoto ALMOST defeated Kirito in some duels during SAO.)

"What are you drawing?" Mikoto tried to peer over Kazuto's shoulder as he sat at his desk, drawing in on a piece of paper.. it was rather difficult to do this, considering that she had to stretch her neck on crutches.

"It's nothing.." said Kazuto.

"Is that a sword technique you're drawing?" Mikoto said. "For Dual Blades? Let me see.. hold on.. Death by.. Embracing? Heheheheh! Trying to hug your opponent to death?"

"No.. just.. something I saw last night.."

"You mean with that Seyat guy?" said Mikoto. "He seems skilled.. and dangerous."

"I'm still amazed you believe me.." said Kazuto.

"Of course I do." said Mikoto. "I've seen so many weird stuff in Academy City you wouldn't believe.. I haven't even told you about AIM Burst... "

"Burst.." Kazuto muttered. "That word.. Burst... why does it have such a ring to it?"

"I don't know." said Mikoto. "Look.. Seyat.. sounds strange to me.. but he also sounds like somebody we should all avoid.. I mean, I'll admit, that guy doesn't sound human.. but he's not related in any way to saving Asuna.."

Kazuto nodded. "You're right.. Seyat doesn't have anything to do with that.. we need to focus on getting to Asuna.. Seyat comes later."

"So.. what now?"

"I've sent a message to Leafa." said Kazuto. "We'll log on in a few minutes or so."


Suguha couldn't help but feel a little weary. After all, somebody had tried to kill Mikoto twice. After that, she found herself looking out windows, sure she was about to see an assassin aiming a gun at the window of Kazuto's room.

Suguha shook her head and gulped. She couldn't think about that now..

Kirito and Railgun were probably already logged in, waiting for her and Mista to show them the way to the World Tree.

Suguha sighed, she was about to put on her Amusphere, when she suddenly received a call on her phone.

Seeing who it was, Suguha sighed and picked up. "Recon.. this better be good."

"O-oh.. Kirigaya.. are allowed to use in game names now?"

"Well.. we're on the phone, so I don't see the harm." said Suguha.

"Okay.. L-Leafa-chan! Listen, I don't have much time, you have log on to ALO now!"

"Slow down Recon." said Suguha. "Tell me what's up!"

"I-I found out.. that Sigurd is a traitor selling information to the Salamanders!!"

"Say what!!?" Suguha exclaimed.

Sigurd had always been a bit of a prideful jerk, but he was supposed to be the Sakuya the Sylph Lord's right hand man... Suguha mentioned this to Recon.

"That's just it!" Recon exclaimed. "Sigurd has always been the kind of guy whose liked political power and status!! I mean.. when you beat him in that swordsman tournament! He tried to save face on his status by having you join his team, under his control."

Railgun Online. Book 2, Fairy's LightWhere stories live. Discover now