ALfheim Online

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Touma Kamijou, by first glance, an insignificant looking spikey haired youth who had the tendency to attract a vast amount of misfortune.. however, upon further observations.. this boy had a mysterious power in his right hand.. called Imagine Breaker..

This power.. allowed him to negate any esper ability he touched.. and funnily enough, it worked on magic as well.. which is another story, but one that will eventually converge with this series as well..

However.. Imagine Breaker did have a price... it was actually the cause of Touma's incredibly terrible luck.. much to his "Misfortune" as he always put it..

So what kind of luck, would wake Touma Kamijou from his sleeping mat next to the bed which was occupied by a certain small overeating nun in the middle of the night? Well, he was about to find out..

Touma Kamijou awoke to the sound of knocking on his door.. it was dark in his dorm.. and the only sound that could be heard.. was a silver haired nun named Index, who was letting out soft breaths as she breathed in her sleep.

"Who could it be at this hour?" Touma muttered drowsily, rubbing his eyes.

Touma stumbled over to his door.. and opened it..

standing on the balcony, was Mikoto.. who seemed to be in some sort of daze.. standing in the moonlight.. as if frozen..

"Biribiri?" said Touma, blinking with confusion. "What are you doing here this late?"

Mikoto didn't respond.. instead, she walked over slowly to Touma, and buried her face in his shoulder.. hugging him tightly.

"Eh.. Biribiri? Are you sleep walking?" Touma muttered. "Biribi-... wait..."

Touma felt it.. hot tears soaking into his shirt... Mikoto was crying silently into him.. too grief stricken to even say anything..

Touma patted Mikoto's back, not sure what to do. "Hey... just come inside kay?"

Mikoto was led into the dorm.. and Touma seat her down on a pillow in front of the T.V.

She remained silent, her tears dripping onto the floor as Touma wrapped a blanket around her shoulders and gave her a cup of coco.

"Sorry, it's the best quality coco I can afford on a poor high school student's budget.." said Touma.

"It's fine.." Mikoto said quietly, before taking a sip.

"You going to tell me what's up?" Touma asked.

"He's going to lose her.." Mikoto said.


Mikoto began to cry again.. as the tears silently poured down.. she told Touma everything.. including the helpless terribl look of horror that Kazuto had taken on, the moment he realized he was going to lose Asuna forever.. an expression that Mikoto could never soon forget..

"And.. I can't do anything about it.." Mikoto muttered. "I.. I paced around in that hospital for hours.. till midnight actually.. but I couldn't think of anything... I even tried to use my power to hack the Nerve Gear.. but.. something.. some kind of strong firewall blocked me... I.. I.. I'm useless..."

Touma ruffled Mikoto's hair and smiled. "Don't give up.. there's always a way Biribiri.. you just have to look for it.."

"Touma.. this isn't something you can punch.."

"What!?" said Touma. "Who says I solve everything by punching it?"

"You punched Accelerator.."

"That was different."

Railgun Online. Book 2, Fairy's LightWhere stories live. Discover now